Unlock victory in your 10th Edition games with these top-finishing Warhammer 40k army lists from the Grand Onslaught 7.
The tournament is over, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies with our commentary on their selections.
Unlock Victory With Top 40k Army Lists From Grand Onslaught 7
We can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves, thanks to Best Coast Pairings. Save $20 by subscribing to BCP for a year by clicking this special promo link.
Note: Some of the armies are displayed incorrectly in the Top 8 listing. However, below for the top 3, we have the correct factions and their lists.
3rd Place: Gavin Conn – Necrons
2nd Place: John Lennon – Tyranids
1st Place: Jack Harpster – World Eaters
Jack’s World Eaters got first place, being led by the massive, durable threat of Angron. Plus, an Invocatus for some great mobility abilities with a solid body on a Juggernaut, too. Battleline has a single unit of Jakhals for some cheap bodies, while the first of the “other” sheets is an Eightbound for a more elite melee dedicated unit.
After the Eightbound, there are three units of the Exalted variant for a stronger, slightly more expensive set of models. In a fun twist, there’s a Lord of Skulls for a huge, expensive threat that will have your opponents thinking hard when they choose to focus on it or Angron in the early turns. The list also ends on two Spawns for some cheap wound soakers that help round out points.
Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists
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