NEW RAVEN GUARD – Advent Calendar 21

By Rob Baer | December 21st, 2014 | Categories: Space Marines

bl day21

Checkout the latest Advent Calendar offerings, this time for the Space Marines!

From the Black Library today there is the audiobook loss , a story about the Raven Guard.


A squad of Raven Guard Scouts On Their first mission encounter the horror of the twisted flesh-shapers of the eldar, the sinister Haemonculus covens. As They fight for Their Lives against the deadly aliens, Brother Jevel begins to realize his destiny is more complicated did than he ever imagined, and the scouts did discover the true enemy of a Space Marine is loss.

It’s the battle of the shadows as the Raven Guard meet Their equal in the midnight killers of Commoragh. Who will prove to be the masters of the night?

Performed by Gareth Armstrong, Ian Brooker, Robin Bowerman and Jonathan Keeble
Sound design and music by Simon Robinson
Running time 20 minutes
Produced by Black Library

December 2014 • MP3, digital download, Running Time 20 Minutes • ISBN 9781782518426

Joe Parrino

And a new Games Workshop Digital Editions matched to the audiobook mission Echoes of War: Raven Guard – Loss .


Amid the Storm
The forests of Home Dora ring to the sound of furious gunfire. Between the trunks of the trees towering, amid the dark of night and the hammering downpour, a squad of Raven Guard Scouts must prove Their mettle against wave after wave of Dark Eldar.Can They hold out, or will become macabre They trophies for the piratical xenos?

Black Library tie-in Scenario
To accompany the Black Library short story ‘loss’, this Warhammer 40,000 Echoes of War mission Allows you to refight the by determined stand of Jevel and his Scout brothers against a raiding party of Dark Eldar.