New Catan Balances Efficiency With The Environment

Catan New EnergiesCatan, the popular settlement-building board game, is getting a new modern version called Catan: New Energies!

A well-known game with many expansions and editions, this latest variant is based on the concept of sustainability and renewable resources. The biggest feature to deal with this is the in-game pollution system, which can end the game outright!

The game is currently up for pre-order, so let’s take a look at what this new version of Catan is all about!

Catan: New Energies (pre-order) – $69.99

Catan New Energies boxPlayers will have to choose between constructing inexpensive fossil fuel-based power plants, which will increase pollution levels, and investing in renewable energy sources.

You must decide: Invest in clean energy resources or opt for cheaper fossil fuels, potentially causing disatrous effects for the island?

Catan New Energies box backYou’ll have to balance the costs of cheap energy versus sustaining in the long run and be aware of the risks to the environment as the game goes along.

Key Selling Points

    • Brand new CATAN standalone game with memorable and meaningful message
    • Classic CATAN gameplay elements with a modern and strateig twist
    • Gorgeous art by Ian O’Toole (On Mars, Age of Steam)
    • Assembled in the US of sustainably-sources wood and paper – no plastic

Board and Environment
Staying away from that critical pollution threshold brings a whole new angle of challenge for that next game of Catan. If you’ve been looking for a way to spice up board game night, go ahead and get your pre-order for Catan: New Energies locked in!

About the Author: John Von Canon

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John Von Canon

Job Title: Miniatures & Trading Card Games Writer

Socials: @AtogOrTwo 

About John Von Cannon: Tabletop gaming since 2016; John joined the Spikey Bits team in 2023 and covers new miniature products, trading card games, and RPGs.

He spends his evenings working at his local game store for the full hobby experience. So if you’re looking for niche and convoluted ways to sneak out a win in your next Commander game or a cool new hobby product for miniatures, he’s your guy.