Huge rumors are floating around the internet about what models are next for Warhammer the Old World and what will be released in the future.
This list has been all over lately, and while it seems plausible, be sure to remember these are just rumors! So, take these with as much salt as you need, or none at all if you love them, because it can’t hurt to hope to see the minis you want.
RUMORS: What Models are Next For Warhammer The Old World
Here are the latest Old World rumors from the Fantasy Discord that are pretty far-reaching. They even talk about Cathay, but at this point, that feels quite far off.
So, let’s start with Cathay; this might be a long way off, as GW has specifically stated they are not slated to release anytime soon.
While this doesn’t mean they won’t ever join the game, we wouldn’t expect them anytime soon. GW currently has a lot of factions to still release for the game, and boy, are they releasing them slowly. They are most likely somewhere in production (if they are joining the game), so the list of miniatures is probably somewhere.
Skaven Are Waiting, Yes, Yes…
Next, we tend to agree with the Skaven point; with them getting such a massive rework for 4th Edition AoS, we know GW doesn’t like products to compete, so they are most likely a very late release into the game.
GW just said all of the Beastmen are moving to Legends and Old World only, so everything is on the table. We would love to see a giant minotaur horde or your normal army full of unruly Beastmen!
For Empire, Middenheim has always been a staple in Fantasy, so seeing a full army or just a regiment of them would be awesome!
GW has been bringing back a ton of older Forge World and resin models for the game, so it’s no surprise to see the list. However, it’s quite sad we’ll never get another Chaos Mammoth model again (if the rumors are true).
We wouldn’t be surprised to see some huge FAQs once or even before all the Arcane Journals are released, so there’s no big surprise there.
Vampire Counts, You Say?
Last but not least, Vampire Counts is supposedly the first Legends army to move to the core category. However, they say it’s a long way off, so we won’t hold our breath on this one.
It’s important to remember that these are just rumors. While they may spark anticipation for future releases, they should be taken with a grain of salt. However, speculating on what is coming next for your favorite game is one of the best parts of the hobby!
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