GW Reveals First New Skaven Models For 4th Edition AoS!

Age of sigmar new skavenGW has revealed the first new official Skaven models for 4th Edition AoS, and they are replacing one of the most iconic kits!

The hype for the upcoming 4th Edition of Age of Sigmar is real, and it’s not just because of the promise of exciting new rules; it also means new models to add to your collection! Let’s take a look at Games Workshop’s first official miniature for the 4th Edition of Age of Sigmar Skaven and the rumors about what else they may get! 

GW Reveals First Official Skaven Models For 4th Edition AoS!

Here is the latest on the second batch of models revealed for 4th Edition AoS from Warhammer Community, this time for Skaven!

Skaven Models 4th Edition AoS

To be a Clanrat is to be a single drop in an ocean of teeth, claws, and matted fur. They are the expendable foot soldiers of the Great Clans, armed with rusted weapons and ragged clothing, but for all their individual cowardice and lacklustre fighting skills they are still deadly in numbers and will gleefully overwhelm larger foes in a living tide of stabbing blades.

Clanrats are a staple of almost every Skaven army, so it only makes sense to see them get a rework!

Skaven Models 4th Edition AoS 2

Such erratic soldiers still need to be kept in line despite the unstoppable inertia of their great swarms, and it’s common to see Skaven with above-average bravery and ambition take the role of champions, musicians, and banner bearers to rally their lesser kin. Quite how they found the time to fashion instruments in the din of battle is anyone’s guess.

The new models look great while keeping that awesome Skaven appeal.

Skaven Models 4th Edition AoS 3

There is no formal uniform for a Clanrat and most scavenge whatever sharp blades and sturdy shields they can find on their way to a battle. Their wooden bastions are as likely to fall apart as stop an attack from a Stormcast Eternal, but with such a dreadfully low survival rate being the norm on the Skaven frontline, any chance of blocking an errant arrow or sword swipe is greedily coveted.

Skaven Models 4th Edition AoS 4They look to have a lot of options, and when compared with the older models, they also appear to be much more dynamic.

Skaven Models 4th Edition AoS 5

In fact, if anything unites Skaven Clanrats at all, it’s their overall shabby appearance. But what incredible models they are nonetheless!

If you play Skaven (or want to), the new edition of Sigmar is looking to be the one for you!

Size Comparisons

Skaven Models 4th Edition AoS 6

The existing plastic Clanrats are venerable artefacts from the World-that-Was, and it’s finally time for the backbone of the Skaven military to get the update they deserve. They still keep their classic hunched posture and raggedy equipment, rendering the sorry state of your rank and file in better detail than they’ve ever seen before. 

They are about the same size as the old ones, and still seem slightly more hunched, but are obviously way smaller than the new Stormcast!

Let’s look at the rumors for new units and the sprue leak as well.

Skaven Weapons Team Sprue Leak

We saw a lot of Skaven-looking bits in the 2023 Advent Rumor Engine, but this is the first sprue we’ve seen. This image is not officially from GW, so take it with as much salt as you need. Rumors are just that, rumors! Still, this looks pretty legit and gives even more credence to the new Skaven coming at the top of 4th Edition AoS.

AoS Skaven Weapon Team skaven rumors aos 4th edition new skavenThis sprue looks pretty legit; the date even says 2024. The molding looks similar to what we would expect from a Games Workshop kit, and the bits look good. There is no AI or Photoshop here at all. Plus, these parts look like something that could be in a launch box, as they’re set up with big push-fit ETB pieces and full rats as singular bits.

AoS Skaven Weapon Team 2 skaven rumors aos 4th edition new skavenThis has been seen all over Reddit recently, and luckily, someone did a mock-up to see how it may look when assembled. It’s been a really long time since we’ve seen a huge rework for Skaven, so while it’s not confirmed, we would still love to see it.

Plus, since the Skaven line could really use some new designs, they seem to be the perfect “bad guys” to launch the 4th Edition Age of Sigmar Starter Set!

This gives you a taste of what’s to come in the 4th Edition of Age of Sigmar and the exciting new Skaven models from Games Workshop. Whether you’re a Skaven player or are just into the lore, there’s a lot to look forward to in the upcoming release.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the first miniatures for Skaven in 4th Edition Age of Sigmar? 

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Joined: 2019

Socials: @paschbass 

Bio: Dark Eldar Dracon and Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the third edition in 1998. He also loves camping because you can only paint so much! He joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the main daily writer since 2020.

Maybe one day, he’ll finish converting all his Ad Mech models and turn into a true tech enjoyer, complete with sad and happy robot noises!