Make Your Space Marine Vehicles Stand Out with These New Bits

tight bore designs crows weapon system bits impulsor

Add more firepower to your Space Marine vehicles with these new Warhammer 40k compatible 3D-printed CROWS weapons & turret armor bits!

For those looking to add a unique touch to their Space Marine tanks, these new custom alternative Warhammer 40k compatible 3D-printed bits are a game-changer. Tight Bore Designs has rolled out some alternative weapon and armor options that not only enhance the look of your models but also provide an affordable way to customize your army.

So, whether you’re building an Impulsor, Repulsor, or Firestrike Servo-Turret, these new bits bring fresh detail to your battle-hardened war machines.

The CROWS System – $15.95

A picture of the 3d printed CROWS system,

The CROWS System (Common Remote Operated Weapon System) is an alternative Ironhail Heavy Stubber or Skytalon Array designed to fit Impulsor and Repulsor tanks. This set includes:

  • 1 cupola
  • 1 CROWS stand
  • 1 minigun
  • 1 ammo hopper
  • 1 stubber
  • 1 rocket pod
  • 2 sensor styles

A picture of the 3d printed CROWS components

Each component is designed for easy modification and assembly, with recommended tools like clippers, a hobby knife, and needle files for a precise fit. 

Turret Armor Covers work for Firestrike Servo-Turrets – $15.95

A picture of the firestrike turret upgrade

The Firestrike Servo-Turret is already a formidable piece of hardware, but these turret armor covers give it an even more intimidating presence on the battlefield. Designed for a snug fit, these Warhammer 40k compatible 3D-Printed bits add an extra layer of visual interest while keeping in line with the overall aesthetic of Primaris Marine vehicles.

A picture of the firestrike turret upgrade

Like the CROWS System, these covers come unpainted and may require minor modifications to ensure a perfect fit. 

Final Thoughts on These Custom 3D-Printed Bits

These Warhammer 40k-compatible Custom 3D-Printed bits provide a budget-friendly way to expand your army’s visual style. Whether you’re outfitting your Impulsor with heavy firepower or giving your Firestrike Servo-Turret a fresh look, these upgrades offer a great mix of affordability and quality.

Get Your CROWS or Turret Conversion Bits Here!

Which of these upgrade kits are you most excited about?