The new Quest of Ghal Maraz book is coming in hot! Checkout the new warscoll previews and sweet artwork from the first installment of the Realmgate Wars!
New Warscrolls
Plus new art, and features!
The book will contain;
- Eight battleplans to recreate the book’s battles
- 28 Warscrolls
- 8 Warscroll Battalions
- Rules for Stormcast Eternals, Khorne Bloodbound, Nurgle Rotbringers and Skaven Clan Pestilens!
- Plus a paint guides for the Celestial Vindicators and Hallowed Knights Stormhosts, Putrid Blightkings from the Grand Congregation and Chaos Warriors of the Bleak Horde.
Looks like this one will be a huge improvement over the previous Age of Sigmar book, as there seems to be previously unseen rules and missions contained within! Add in the painting guide and what looks to be another 110 pages or so of fluff, and this book is set to be an exciting kickoff to the Realmgate wars!
Checkout the latest on the new book below
Age of Sigmar Roundup
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