New rumors hit today about specific units, wargear abilities formations and more. I can not wait for Saturday’s personally!
Why am I so excited for Apocalypse? Well besides it being an excuse for most people to play with everything they own, if run right (with timed turns, balanced D weapons per side, etc) it can be a very very fun and exciting game.
Plus the only thing you need to start playing is a rulebook, everyone already owns their models!! Sure not everyone has superheavies but you sting something enough with a lascannon, it’s going to die regardless (cough, guard, cough cough).
So it seems like Apocalypse is shaping up to be a completely different animal that what we’re used too after all. Personally I’m stoked because a clear and concise rule set for such a vague and sometimes dragged out game type could make that format more appealing to all players both competitive and casual.
T minus Three Days to the Apocalypse!
More insight into the new Apocalypse Rulebook Courtesy of Apocalypse 40k