New July White Dwarf Review & Apocalypse Pics

The Apocalypse is almost now. Well it’s more like a week away I guess to be precise.  

So as you’ve probably heard, Apocalypse 2.0 is on the way, with a ton of new terrain, templates, and Super Heavy offerings.  

So being an avid Apocalypse player when the new July2013 issue of White Dwarf came out, I put my SpikeyCon fun on hold and read the magazine cover to cover.

Pretty much the whole magazine is GW continuing to show off how big and bad-ass they can make stuff (cause they’re designing plastic kits on a computer for the most part), and leaving us scrambling to discuss and dissect their creations. 

But this still IMHO seems to be what still sets Games Workshop’s models apart from the rest of the tabletop wargaming pack (for now?).

This issue showcased the newest Super Heavy models, the Khorne Lord of Skulls, affectionately dubbed the “Skull Dozer” by the Internets, and the new Tesseract Vault / Obelisk for the Necrons.

The new White Dwarf was once again about 150 pages, with the normal 1/3 of the magazine devoted to new product features, and summaries (which included Forge World, and Black Library previews).

New Super Heavies aside- this issue, just like in June’s had all the normal articles, (from Kit Bash to Paint Splatter) and showcased a HUGE battle report pitting many of the Studio personalities against each other!

There was unfortunately no Blanchitsu this issue, and I guess they had to cut for free up space to cover the BIG new release.

The Paint Splatter articles were some other bright spots in the magazine, as they were all about some of the sweet metal, and weapon effects to use on the new Apocalypse Kits.  There was however no Kit Bash article this month, again because of the Apocalypse coverage I am sure.

The battle report was pretty well done this time around, not the atrocious pile that they left on our doorstep last month for the Eldar report.  This time it was nice the layout was done well, with great shots of new Apocalypse rules in action, and just tons of models everywhere.

It wasn’t as BIG as the last Apocalypse battle report  in 2008? that Jervis spearheaded with multiple tables of games independently effecting each other as their battles unfolded.

That was pretty neat to see, but as we all know budgets and staff have been reduced over the last year of so, and who knows if we’ll ever see anything like that again!

Rules wise there wasn’t too awful much revealing about the new Apocalypse rules themselves, as they seem to be very careful to watch what they say in these preview issues.

So there wasn’t really a peep about all the rumors from the this release from we’ve been hearing over the last week or so.

Oh and while this issue pretty much focuses on the new BIG release, it still featured a fair amount of Warhammer Fantasy material as well, which was nice to see.

That’s all for this time guys. Checkout the video below for a more comprehensive look at this issue and the new models, which are now all on advanced order and will release Saturday July 13th. -MBG