American Infiltrators – Flames of War Objective

By Michel Beaulieu | October 11th, 2015 | Categories: Conversion Corner, Conversions


Last year, my cousin who happens to preside one of the  major gaming clubs in Québec city, asked me to participate in a friendly competition.

Well basically he wanted to show me off to his friends. lolol The competition was to create a cool piece of terrain to be used as an objective in Flames of War games. I had played a couple games with him and I said to myself, why not. Would be fun to do something out of painting warhammer 40k and fantasy stuff. he showed me a couple things FoW already has. I’m a sucker for Nazi stuff so I decided to take the Tiger.

Now for some reason, I was far ahead of everyone else. Go figure. So he pulled me out of it before the others saw mine. I didn’t mind, I did it for the fun. and it was fun and simple. Well for me at least. BUT, he did keep it to show off anyhow. Today it is still over there on a shelf. ok, enough bragging, it is a cool piece but I know it’s not top notch compared to some of you out there. For the hell of it, here are the pics I took at the time when it was completed. I’m still proud of it.

The theme I chose was a destroyed tiger with it’s bloody crew in a winter environment. I chose to put a flag right through one of the bodies. Now for those more fanatical, I know they don’t have the black suites. Consider the americans swapped them with theirs for easier trespassing in enemy lines. 🙂


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About the Author: Michel Beaulieu

born in 1969. Programmer/analyst for an engineering company. Been playing wargames for over 17 years. Founder of Wargaming Saguenay (french based community).