Get Ready for Adepticon 2014- Pre Registration Details

By Rob Baer | October 25th, 2013 | Categories: Adepticon 2014

Gather your gaming buds together because in just a few short weeks tickets to Adepticon events go on sale, and tend to sell out in mere hours!

That’s right if you are planning on attending THIS event, its time to plan now for what events you want in on, and book your hotel room as well!

Head on over to the Adepticon web-cart for all the details, and to check your login now, before the shopping cart is assaulted by gamers worldwide!

Courtesy of Adepticon,
We are busy putting the final touches on the schedule for AdeptiCon 2014 and it is shaping up to be another fantastic year!

It is impossible to cover everything in this update, so head on over to the AdeptiCon 2013 Webcart and see what events we have in store for you! The webcart is about 75% complete at this time. Please be aware that event days, event times, costs and descriptions are all subject to change. Several new events as well as the hobby seminars will be added before registration begins – but this should give you a good starting point to begin planning your weekend!

The full schedule should be completed by Friday, November 1st. In the meantime, we suggest you do the following in order to make your registration process go as smoothly as possible: