Imperial Walkers Spotted – Adepticon 2016 Battle of Hoth

By Gothmog | April 27th, 2016 | Categories: Adepticon 2016, Armies on Parade, Star Wars


Checkout arguably one of the coolest boards from Adepticon 2016 – HOTH! It is apparently a home ruled Star Wars Hoth Battle.

It is apparently a home ruled Hoth Battle. They appear to use WoC and Imperial Assault minis, though I noticed the X-Wing and the Snowspeeder are old Micro Machine Action Fleet toys painted up a little better.

This was evidently done by the boys over at Beasts of War, and you can check out a cool VLOG of how they did it and the finished product here! This game was part of their armature game designer game contest, designed by Grant Ennis. It was a 1 page ruleset based around formations and intended for very fast pick up play on a large scale.

So these guys are the WoC AT-AT from the defunct Star Wars Minis game they made OR possibly the old Kenner toy. Not sure. But they really do dominate the battlefield.

The shield generator is in range! Maximum Fire Power!

“Transport, I’m getting her out on the Falcon!”

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