Best Armies: AoS Championships Adepticon 2018

By James Rodriguez | March 25th, 2018 | Categories: Adepticon 2018, Age of Sigmar, Armies on Parade

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Today we’re going to be showing off some of our favorite armies on display at the Adepticon 2018 Age of Sigmar Championships tournament.

Every year players from all over the world converge on Adepticon and bring with them some of the most awesome armies out there!

This Khorne Display board was truly a sight to see. We know the Blood Good was smiling when he saw this one.

AoS Championships Adepticon 2018

Morathi made an appearance in this perfectly themed board. The paint job on Morathi alone was enough to keep your attention.

AoS Championships Adepticon 2018

Sigmar’s finest were looking extremely well with this themed display, and they even brought a little extra firepower with them.

AoS Championships Adepticon 2018

Nurgle was flying in on their drones, ringing a bell, and offering the plague to anyone who would have it.

AoS Championships Adepticon 2018

As if Nurgle wasn’t enough, Chaos even decided to send in the Brayherds for good measure.

AoS Championships Adepticon 2018

This was one of the cleanest display we got the opportunity to see, and the Kharandron Overlords were a perfect fit.

AoS Championships Adepticon 2018

AoS Championships Adepticon 2018

Here’s the first Skaarac the Bloodborn we got to see this weekend, and this hobby maniac did a superb job on the rest of the army as well.

AoS Championships Adepticon 2018

AoS Championships Adepticon 2018

WWWAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!! No other words needed…

AoS Championships Adepticon 2018

This is just some of the armies from the Adepticon 2018 for Age of Sigmar Championship tournament, there were so many other great displays out there, and we’re happy to see people put forth the effort to make their armies look as best as possible!

Make sure you’re checking back in with us for even more coverage and armies from the event, and see more from previous Adepticon events check out the links below for our last eight years of coverage from the hobby trenches. It’s been a blast!


Adepticon 2018 Coverage

Adepticon 2017 Coverage

Adepticon 2016 Coverage

 Adepticon 2015 Coverage

Adepticon 2014 Coverage

Adepticon 2013 Coverage

Adepticon 2012 Coverage

Adepticon 2011 Coverage *Long War Wins 40k Overall Best Team*

Adepticon 2010 Coverage