Firepower Without: Iron Warriors Adepticon Showcase

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Horus Heresy is alive and well at Adepticon this year. With that said, take a look at these incredible painted Iron Warriors.

Adepticon was about all the games, and there were several Horus Heresy campaign events that went down there as well. Legions showed up in full force flexing their pride. Take a look at what these Iron Warriors busted out of the armory.


Firepower Without: Iron Warriors Adepticon Showcase

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The Iron Warriors were dug in on a planet filled with craters and trenches ready to counter assault and break whatever walls that needed to be broken.

While Perturabo surveys the battlefield making sure the siege goes according to plan, his Tyrant Siege Guard act like an unmoving wall of missiles. What’s not to love about a full squad of Terminators with missile packs? (More importantly, why can’t 8th edition Marines have nice things?)

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Missile launchers lined the trenches waiting for the first sign of armor to break the horizon. With an eternal grudge against Rogal Dorn, Perturabo might have put these guys in a defensive position to show Rogal how to “really defend”.

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Command Rhinos are a mainstay in a bunch of Iron Warriors forces. The non-scattering deepstrike bubble is almost too good to pass up!

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And of course, you’ve got Perturabo and his elite robot bodyguards. Coming into contact with his Iron Circle is almost certain death. Perutrabo is bound to be close by so the next thing you know, you’ve got three hammers twice the size of a Space Marien cracking down on you. Even the other Primarchs know to deal with his bodyguard at-range before even thinking about challenging Perturabo to a melee fight.

All in all, this army is beautiful! The Iron Warriors may have a simple display board but it’s definitely fluffy. It looks like Perturabo’s murder planet just before the Imperial Fists showed up. Great job hobbying! Let us know what you think about the Iron Warriors in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

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