Flesh On Muddy Ground: Adepticon Army Showcase

Age of Sigmar also took up an entire ballroom at Adepticon! Check out one of the beautiful Fleasheater-Courts armies spotted on the tabletops.

Adepticon hosted a championship for Age of Sigmar. With players flocking from around the world, we saw some beautifully-painted hobby collections. Check out this Flesheater-Courts force.

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Flesh On Muddy Ground: Adepticon Army Showcase

Coming from Tony Pacheco:

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The Flesheater-Courts ravaged the enemies across a muddy field in 2019’s Adepticon tournament. This faction may lack any real armor but they make up for it in outright merciless melee combat.

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An Abhorrent Ghoul King was spotted off his mount and next to probably one of the coolest basses we’ve seen in AoS. This dragon was perched atop some kind of magic tree with a creature manifesting from its roots. Talk about flexing those hobby muscles.

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An Archregent took their throne and commanded his Courts to wage war on anyone unlucky enough to encounter these guys. Check out the twisted trees and old rusted shield on the base. Each one of these models is so detailed that they tell a story all on their own.

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And of course, to be a Lord, you have to have “loyal” subjects to command. These Crypt Ghouls listened to every order from the Archregent as they stripped flesh from bone. Check out all the matching bases and how they blend in almost seamlessly with the display board. Great job on this beautiful Age of Sigmar list!

What are your thoughts on Flesheater-Courts in AoS? Do you have your list as customized as this one? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.  

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us: support AT