Sandbagging The Competition: Adepticon Army Showcase

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Guardsmen have had enough of getting rocked around by enemy artillery. Check out this Guard list that loaded up on sandbags at Adepticon!

2019’s Adepticon brought in one-of-a-kind armies from all over the world. This Guard list is something we’ve never seen before. Take a look at how crafty they got with some extra sandbags lying around.

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Sandbagging The Competition: Adepticon Army Showcase

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The Guard teamed up with a small band of Space Wolves to do battle at Adepticon. This army has some heavy customization to it too. Let’s get a closer look.

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This regiment of Imperial armor has some sandbags made completely out of Green Stuff. With a little bit of tan paint and some snow, these tanks look like they’ve been out in the field for a long… long time.

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And of course, an Imperial Knight never hurt anybody. Especially with all the CP that Guard players can generate. Some serious love went into the paint job on this guy. Check out the metal patchwork and heavy scarring on the paint.

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These Guardsmen wanted to blend in with all the sandbags and brought along some tan armor. It contrasts well with the snowy bases too!

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Moving onto the Space Wolves, it looks like they hit a Tyranid at some point and decided to make its skull a hood ornament. This might be just a simple Razorback that could get creamed with a Las cannon shot or two, but we have to take a minute and admire the amount of detail that’s gone into this thing.

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Bjorn also hit the table leading his men with a Twin Las cannon and his iconic Trueclaw. Snowy bases always look good but when you slap some onto the mini itself, it just adds a whole new level of detail to the model.

Great job on this army! We know your hobby muscles must be sore. What do you think about this Adepticon army? What Space Marine faction do you like to pair with your Guard? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us: support AT