The Wave Serpents’ Coil: Adepticon Army Showcase

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Have you ever seen an Eldar army themed around a Pit Viper? It looks like we spotted one at 2019’s Adepticon! Check out this beautiful army showcase.

2019’s Adepticon brought in armies from all over the world to do battle with each other. With that said, hobbyists made sure that their armies were in tip-top shape. Take a look at this snake-themed Eldar army that was spotted on the tables.

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The Wave Serpents’ Coil: Adepticon Army Showcase

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Looking at David Roberston’s Eldar force, there’s an elite list of Aeldari that were spotted gliding across the board in their pimped-out Wave Serpents. Check out the scaled paint job on their armor! Now that’s cool. 

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Leading the force was a Spiritseer and Farseer. These dudes were in charge of providing the Psychic coverage for the rest of the army.

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The real slower-moving firepower came from a unit of five Wraithguard painted up matching the rest of the list beautifully. Between the green fade on the helmets and tabards, it matches perfectly with that slight Wraithbone pink paint scheme for the body!

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A unit of Guardians never hurt anybody either. We’ve actually been seeing one fatty-squad of twenty being taken in top lists. They’re definitely competitive.

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Finally, a squad of Rangers scouted ahead and alerted the rest of the army of any enemies close by. These guys are great for some early objective grabbing and can be a bit of a nuisance for your opponent.

All of the bases matched one another which has proven time and time again to really unify a list. Great job covering all the details on even the smallest of T3 units! Make sure those hobby muscles stay strong and keep up the awesome work!

What do you think about this army’s paint scheme? What does your Aeldari list look like? Do you play competitively or for fluff? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us: support AT spikeybits.com