Top Crystal Brush Painting Entries at Adepticon 2019

Don’t miss what some of the best painters from across the globe brought to the Crystal Brush painting competition this year at Adepticon!

Adepticon hosts all sorts of events related to the hobby world. The Crystal Brush painting competition is an elite mini-judging contest to award the best-painted model overall. Take a look at some of our top picks. Keep in mind that these are just entries and the winner will be announced later on.

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Top Entries for the Crystal Brush Competition 2019

The guardian of the forest made her debut riding her stunning purple sabretooth. Check out the highlighted purple fur. It’s blended perfectly with the lighting.


This is so magnificent the bust actually looks like a painting! Every last bit of detail is captured.

This has been making the rounds for years, but it is none the less impressive to see in the Crystal Brush case.

One of the hardest things to create is the actual projectile being launched from weapons in 40k. These two blasters are melting a tank!

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Painted by Kevin Fannin at Kefa Paint Studios

This guy looks like he stepped right out of the space ship and into real life. Take a closer look at the fine paint chipping on his armor.

This ninja is no joke! The flower design on her cloak and sash are completely done by freehand.

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Painted by Kyle Dalton at Pale King Hobby

Have you ever seen Mollog pop like this? The blue mixes with the green on this mini will really make your head spin.

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From the pits of the earth, this creature has risen to do battle. Even his tongue is armored! This guy has all the snarling details that make your spine want to shiver.

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This mini is the king of freehand. Every last detail on this model has been completely done by hand. It may be black and white but he’s a mural all on his own.

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An epic battle is frozen in time between good and evil. A glowing Pegasus and his rider are battling a flaming Lion. The glow effects on these models really show the supernatural side of things.


Finally, we have the classic cat merchant. This guy has the full feel of a nomad who’s out to make some deals. Take a closer look at the shading on the head wrap and the freehand work done on the coat.

Remember, these are just some of our top pick for the Crystal Brush paint competition. What do you think about all these selections? What was your favorite? Have you ever won any paint competitions? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.