Adepticon 2023

What is AdeptiCon?

AdeptiCon is one of the premier tabletop gaming conventions in the world. It is an annual event that brings together hobbyists, gamers, and industry professionals for a celebration of all things tabletop gaming.

When & Where Does AdeptiCon Take Place?

AdeptiCon typically takes place in the United States, specifically in Schaumburg, Illinois. The specific dates and venue for each year’s event are announced by the organizers (but generally takes place in late March). It is best to check the official AdeptiCon website or social media channels for the most up-to-date information.

What Gaming Systems are Featured at AdeptiCon?


AdeptiCon covers a diverse array of gaming systems, including popular ones such as Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, Infinity, X-Wing, Bolt Action, and many others. The convention caters to various gaming preferences, whether you are interested in miniatures, board games, card games, or role-playing games.