Adepticon 2015 – Meet Spikey Bits & Free Swag

By Rob Baer | March 19th, 2015 | Categories: Adepticon


Hang out with MBG, Kenny, Juice and Paul from Forge the Narrative THIS weekend at Adepticon.

We’ll be hitting up Instagram and twitter our driving adventures and our locations around the event, and would love to chill and have a cold one with you!

Plus here at Spikey Bits I have a ton of FREE SWAG to unload from T-shirt to acrylic markers. If you see me hit me up for some sawg! Don’t forget about armies on parade either – Someone from the blog should be stopping by each table taking pics of armies and talking about cats too!

If you haven’t already make sure you’re following all the social medias from Spikey Bits, Next Level Painting and Forge the Narrative as well posting up pictures of the best convention in wargaming all weekend long!


See you there! -MBG