Heard You Liked Repulsors: Adepticon Armies on Parade

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With all the previews on the new Repuslor variant, we thought it would be good to showcase an Ultramarines list that came decked-out with these Grav-Tanks.

Coming from 2019’s Adepticon, this Ultramarines list was spotted rocking not one…not two…but six Repulsors! Check out this awesome display.

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Yo Dawg, We Heard You Liked Repulsors

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The Ultramarines are a Chapter centered around everything Greek. With that said, they were spotted sporting six total Repulsors parked inside some Hellenistic architecture. Check out the pillars and marble basing details on all the models!

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Repulsors are loaded head to toe with dakka of all forms. Between Lascannon variants and a bunch of anti-infantry low AP shots, these things can generate a lot of dice. However, we’ve never seen a list solely focused around six before.

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Repulsors might be a bit like Terminators in hindsight. You might have to go all-in on the unit if you want them to be able to make their points back. The scary part is just sinking so many points into a handful of units with no guarantee of doing enough damage. (That’s probably why we don’t see too many Terminator/Repulsor spam lists out there).

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Of course, thing’s start to make more sense when you add classic reroll-buff characters like Marneus Calgar and Robbie G into your list. These guys make every single shot count while you’re trying not to get slapped around in melee.

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For one last push towards tankbusting firepower, the Ultramarines also rolled out a double Lascannon Contemptor. While this guy may be cheap an on a somewhat fragile T7 frame, he’s got enough firepower to make a Knight think twice. And it all just gets better if Marneus or Robbie G cheer him on when he fires.

This is a really unique list capitalizing on the Primaris tank that a bunch of use normally glance over. However, with the reroll auras of a few key characters and the Repulsors having the FLY  keyword, we can really see how this list would shine! Great job on the paint job and display board too!

What do you think about Repulsors in 8th edition? Have you ever ran six in a list? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.