Custodes “Flying Knight” List Took 40k ATCs Meta By Surprise

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Custodes have a lot of primo-tech, but did you know they had “flying Knights”? Check out this list that was spotted on the tabletops of the ATC.

This list too unique to ignore. Looking at the Custodes at the ATC, this list brought some units that we didn’t expect. Before we jump in, it’s important to mention that this year’s ATCs ran under a protected format with certain restrictions. And thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the lists!

atc wal

This list comes from Richard Martin on the second place Brohammer: Florida Men team

Custode Flying Knight List Spotted at 2019’s ATC

custodes wal orion dropship


atc custodes

Lacking sever model count, even for a normal Custodes list, this army didn’t do too well. But following in the footsteps of the Necrons Tesseract Vault list, these Custodes fielded three Orion Dropships, which is too awesome not to talk about.

This thing is essentially a flying Knight at T8, 22 wounds, a 3+ sv, and 5++ invuln. The Orion Dropship is absolutely massive if you haven’t seen it already, taking up a giant footprint on the table.

orinion datasheet

The only downside is that since it’s technically an airborne unit, enemy models could pass underneath it without any real issues. As for Wargear, it doesn’t have the best shooting out there. But, with two of each cannon and multiple firing modes, it’s definitely flexible.

As for the rest of the list, two Vexillus Praetors with the Vexilla Magnifica were taken for the -1 to hit bubble. The Orions might not have the stratagem support that the Knights do in 8th edition. However, in the right positioning, these ships could be at -2 to hit.

And lastly, for bodies, Trajann rolled with some Custodian Guards and an Assassin on foot. This 2,000 pt list only had ten models for the player to operate, and while we can see some strong matchups for these units, hordes would have a field day in terms of ground control.

What do you think about this list? Have you been wanting to run three Orions? Do the Custodes need more Lords of War? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!