Custodes Take To the Fields: Atomic Empire Army Showcase

atomic empire custodes walCustodes donned some neutral colors as they went foot-slogging across a field at Warzone Atomic Empire. Check out this amazing list!

Warzone: Atomic Empire was a qualifier event for Warzone: Atlanta later in the year. With people fighting for a slot, there were some awesomely painted competitive lists! Take a closer look at the detail behind this Custodes force.

This army comes from Alex Akers

Custodes Take To the Fields: Atomic Empire Army Showcase

atomic empire custodes 1The Custodes pride themselves at being one of the only forces who can consistently stand in the presence of the Emperor. However, when times get desperate they’re not afraid to leave the safety of the Imperial Palace to wage war on the Mutant, the Xenos, and the Heretic. Before jumping into the army, this list had all-matching bases. But beyond that, they are extremely detailed. It looks like these guys are standing on the literal ground.

atomic empire custodes 2A staple in any Custodes list is the Vexilla Magnifica. Standing over the frozen remains of some Xenos creature, this dude is definitely inspiring with his banner.

atomic empire custodes 3These Custodes are a bit darker and weathered than most other Custodes forces, but that just makes these guys look like they’ve been out in the field longer than a day or so.

atomic empire custodes 4The squads in this list were distinguished from each other by the color of their power weapon. Ranging from green to purple, each squad has unique detail on its own. Great job on flexing those hobby muscles!

What do you think about this Adeptus Custodes list? Do you have your army based in a similar way? How did you pull off a snow effect? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!