GW Teases New Custodes HQ Mini Coming Soon

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Games Workshop just announced they will be releasing a new Custodes HQ mini soon. Come check out the new Captain-General Trajann Valoris.

As a thank you for hitting 100,000 followers on their Facebook page Games Workshop will be releasing a new miniature for the Adeptus Custodes. Let’s take a look at the new Captain-General Trajann Valoris miniature and see what they had to say about it.

We’ve reached 100,000 Facebook fans! That’s a veritable legion of people who love Warhammer 40,000.
As you well know by now, faith is worthy of reward – so we’ve got a very special reveal to show you all. We know that loads of you have been crying out for an HQ option to lead your Adeptus Custodes in battle, and now, your wish has been granted!

Custodes Trajann Valoris

Captain-General Trajann Valoris is master of the ten-thousand strong forces of the Adeptus Custodes. We think he’ll make a great leader for any Imperium army, whether you’re looking to field a force purely made up of the Emperor’s personal guard or a mixed collection of agents, assassins and more besides.

The Warhammer community has been consistently growing, and Games Workshop is doing a great job at showing their appreciation for the 100,000 followers they now have on Facebook. Captain-General Trajann Valoris, master of the Adeptus Custodes, is a great looking mini, and looks like he’s going to be a great addition to your Custodes army.

They haven’t given us a release date yet, but keep checking back in with us, we’ll be putting out updates as soon as we get them.

If you are looking to start a Custodes army the Talons of the Emperor box is a great value to do it with as well:  Checkout our review and pricing breakdown on this awesome bundle deal.

Talons Of The Emperor Content

Talons of the Emperor $160

  • Land Raider $75
  • Custodes $60
  • Sisters $40
  • Rhino $37.25
  • Contemptor $60

Total Value $271, you save over $100.

And if you would like something a little more for your Custodes, how about some Knight upgrades?

What do you think about the new Custodes mini? Are you going to be picking one up for yourself? Let us know in the comments below.


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