GW Teases New Adeptus Mechanicus 40k Apocalypse Rules

admech wal paper

Adeptus Mechanicus are known for their massive walkers and brutal firepower. See how these guys will be shaping up in Apocalypse 40k!

Warhammer Community recently revealed some of the rules for the Admech in Apocalypse. Get ready to bust out your Robots and Electro-priests, and be sure to grab a few Duneriders because that’s what this rules preview is all about.

Ad Mech in 40k Apocalypse: Faction Rules Spotted

40k AdmechFocus Lucius


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If you’re a devotee to the Omnissiah, you can look forward to having a bit more tankiness thrown into your ranks. You’ll be able to reroll your saves of 1 with all of your units with the Adeptus Mechanicus keyword.

40k AdmechFocus Lucius


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Robots are still getting their Protocols. Keep in mind that they’re issued in the Orders phase and your units have to stick with the order for the rest of the turn. Really, you can just make them a bit tankier or have them shoot/fight better. It all comes down to the situation you’re in and what their wargear is.

electro pirest


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These guys might fool you at first, but they’re surprisingly good.

These guys have Ignore Damage (5+), giving them a decent shot at shrugging off enemy fire, while their Electroleech Staves possess fantastic SAP and reliable SAT, allowing them to threaten pretty much anyone on the tabletop.

With a 5+++ FNP and almost a 50/50 chance of wounding a Titan in melee, these guys will be a unit that you need to watch out for. Don’t underestimate them for their small model size. These guys can slap in combat.

siphoned vigour

Similar to 8th edition, these guys get even tankier whenever they stand next to something that dies. They’ll basically be boosted to the same save as a Space Marine.

New Skorpius Disintegrator Gets Rules

warhammer fest 2019 Skorpius Disintegrator

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Overall, the weapons on this thing seem very middle-of-the-road for whatever you shoot at. The Belleros Energy Weapon might not have the same punching power against armor as the Ferrumite Cannon, however, it can fire without LOS and gets more shots. It really comes down to what kind of role you want this guy to perform.

Admech Command Assets

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Benediction of the Omnissiah changes up the probability to hit with your units by letting you roll D12s instead of D6s. Keep in mind that you can only use this on one detachment so you need to make it count. Our first thought would be an Onager Dunecrawler line in position to light up Morty or a Renegade Knight.

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In the same vein of hitting better, you can also pop this for your melee units. You definitely want to throw this down on a detachment full of Electro-Priests that are stuck into combat and watch them go to work.

Overall, the Admech look like a solid faction. Most of the rules previewed have to do with making them tankier or hit better in some fashion. Pretty standard rules overall, but very useful. What do you think about the faction’s rules for Apocalypse? How many points of Admech do you have currently? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.