Knights & Blood Angels Link Up: LVO 2020 Army Showcase

lvo oscar knights walYellow Knights and Blood Angel fights! Check out this joint-army that brought some high-toughness and high-strength units out to battle.

The 2020 LVO brought players from all across the world to roll some dice under one roof. With the meta healthier than ever, we saw some incredible armies from the event. Now that it’s all over, we can show special attention to some of the most beautiful armies we’ve ever seen. Here’s a closer look at an amazingly painted Imperial Soup list.

lvo las vegas open 2020Las Vegas Open 2020

Knights & Blood Angels Link Up: LVO 2020 Army Showcase

This army comes to us from Oscar Pascal Roggen

lvo oscar knights 1Yellow Knights stomped onto the field with their high-toughness and durability while the Blood Angels got up-close and wreaked havoc. Of course, the main workhorse on the Blood Angels side of things was Mephy himself.

lvo oscar knights 2Rolling into the 2020 LVO, these Rangers rocked some yellow cloaks that popped on the tabletop. Not leaving the mark of a single brushstroke behind, these coats were smooth!

lvo oscar knights 3Getting into the boogeymen of the list, the majority of these Knights came from Forge World…The Atrapos here has one of the coolest faceplates the Imperium has to offer. And check out the detail of all the iconography on the armor plating!

lvo oscar knights 4Getting a close-up on Mephiston, his eyes are glowing with psychic energy. And just check out the subtle lightening effect on his sword. Pretty sick.

LVO oscar knights 5Finally, we’ve got one more Atrapos helping his two brothers out and getting ready to blast a hole clean through enemy armor. Not only do these Knights have some unique weaponry, but they stand taller than almost every other unit you’ll see in a 2,000 pt game. 

What’s your favorite unit out of this army? Which Knight Household do you use in your games?

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