Metal Limbs of Destruction: Sicarian Rustwalker Lore

lore-adeptus-mechanicus-titleSicarian Ruststalkers lore is all about machines built to destroy rogue technology, now they fight in almost every Admech force!

The Adeptus Mechanicus isn’t an organization to turn a blind eye on what works. When they realized just how good the Ruststalkers were at destroying rogue tech, they immediately started employing them in their armies! They have turned the tide of many battles with their insane frenzy. When they jump on an enemy, they don’t have long to live. Get out your favorite transonic gear and let’s learn about these crazy cybernetic assassins!

Sicarian Ruststalkers Lore: Original Purpose

The Sicarian Ruststalkers were not originally made for the battlefields of the Grimdark future. It seems strange the Admech did not see the use right away, but maybe they just needed to update their optical software first… They were originally made on Mars to hunt down Feral Servitors and other excommunicated tech. They would send them into the wastes on hunting missions to bring down anything they deemed necessary. Who knows how many secrets they took out before it made it to prying eyes.

They could survive the wastes for years on end, making them the perfect Mar’s assassins. Once the higher-ups saw just how effective the killing machines were, they were immediately commissioned for battlefield use. They repurposed the existing Stalkers and turned them into “Killcades”. In no time they were wreaking havoc on the enemies of the Imperium.

Of course, they are no longer limited to Mars. Every Forgeworld manufactures them for use in their own wars. Who doesn’t want insane killing machines on their side in a scrap?

Falling Upon the Foe

The frenzy they fall upon their enemies with is legendary. They slash and stab without care for their own safety, driven by a single-minded purpose of destruction. They can even make short work of the most heavily armored units. Their transonic blades bypass the enemy’s armor, letting them strike directly into the weaker flesh below.

Watching them on the battlefield is similar to watching a group of Piranhas tearing apart a piece of meat. If they fall on your unit, better to just fall back and let your friends shoot them off the field.

Weapons Beyond Physics

It took Millenia to find the tech, but the Ruststalkers’ blades are the perfect example of the Admech’s mastery over physics. They hum constantly with a sickening ring that brings dissonance to the soul. The blades find the perfect frequency to pass right through any armor. It takes a little to calibrate but once found, no armor will save you.

When they hit the enemy it is like something out of an anime. For the enemy doesn’t fall apart right away, it takes a second or two before the blades take effect. The following carnage is so gruesome the Tech-Priests are constantly improving the tech to make it even more satisfying.


Learn More About Admech & Sicarian Ruststalkers Here!