Painted War Convocation Army Adeptus Mechanicus Showcase

By Guest Author | March 17th, 2017 | Categories: Adeptus Mechanicus, Army Showcase, Astra Militarum

adeptus_mechanicus_by_cribs-d4b4afsWelcome 40K fans to another amazing army showcase, today Rob is taking us through this gorgeous Adeptus Mechanicus army from Dean Prichard!

AdMech Army Full

This amazing army is brought to us courtesy of Dean Prichard.  Dean spent most of last year working to bring us this fantastic collection, and today he’s going to tell us a little bit about what models he used and how he created them!


First up are Dean’s Astra Militarum detachment. Dean used some 3rd party models coupled with Tempestus Scions to create this awesome looking platoon lead by everyone’s favorite Inquisitor, Lord Coteaz!

Every Mechanicus army needs some troops, and Mechanicus Rangers fit the bill for Dean! Loaded up with all sorts of nasty Adeptus Mechanicus Tricks and finished with Dean’s fantastic paint job, these guys are ready to trash the enemies of the Machine God!

Robby RobotsNo Adeptus Mechanicus Army is complete without some Battle Automata!  These guys are one of the very few monstrous creatures available to the armies of the Imperium!


You can’t build an Adeptus Mechanicus army without at least one Dune strider!  These things are just too awesome, and Dean took it one step further by adding magnets to this bad boy to hot swap whatever weapons he needs to get the job done!

Striders and walker and Caddilac

Rounding out the smaller models is a pack of Striders with more magnetized weapons!  Backing them up is another Dune Walker with a Neutron Laser (also magnetized) and some Catapron Servitors loaded out with Grav weapons!


Last but not least is the amazing Forgeworld Knight Atrapos!

Check out the whole interview here for more details!