Adeptus Titanicus Lineup & Pricing CONFIRMED

By Wesley Floyd | August 15th, 2018 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Adeptus Titanicus is here but at a hefty price. We have the confirmed pricing in USD for this week’s pre-orders, come see what’s coming our way Saturday.

It’s that time again where prices for what’s coming up get confirmed! Take a look at the lineup of new miniatures that are on the way for Adeptus Titanicus!

Multiple retailers have confirmed the following pre-order releases for this week:

Adeptus Titanicus Grand Master Edition $290.00

adepts titanicus

adeptus titanicus

The Grand Master Edition will have everything you need to play. It’ll cost you a pretty penny. But it’s your one-stop shop for Titanicus. On the bright side, it’s really just like buying two Dominus-Class Knights. Plus you and a friend will be able to play a game. Split up box and have your friend buy a rules set for himself.

Titanicus Rules Set $60.00

rules set

The rules are just what it is. The rules. There won’t be any Titans in here, but it will have everything else you need to play including the terminal cards.

 Warlord Battle Titan $110.00


Here’s the Creme de la Creme. The machine itself that you can buy on its own. The great thing about these Titans is that they’ll be completely customizable and posable. Let your artistic side run wild in Titanicus.

Imperial Questoris Knights $35.00

imperial knight

You won’t see a Knight out there cheaper than $35. The scaling for Titanicus is huge. These are going to be basic foot soldiers for your army. They look to be on 40mm bases.

Civitas Imperialis Terrain (x2 Buildings) $40.00


If you’re loaded up on enough modular terrain from Kill Team, grab a few of these boxes. They’ll add that iconic look of the buildings that were previewed for Titanicus.

Civitas Imperialis Sector $125.00


In case you didn’t any of the modular terrain, relax. You can just buy a whole dang city at a rumored bundle savings

Speaking of savings here is the price breakdown for the new Grandmaster Edition set:

  • Two Warlords $110 x2
  • 2 pack of Knights $35
  • Rules $60
  • Scenery $40 x2

That works out to about $430 total in contents for a $290 Investment

That looks to only be a savings of around $140, and not the much larger bundle savings we have seen in the past.

Titanicus and all of its accessories will be available for pre-order Saturday for release on the 18th of August. Reserve a box now so you can unload the Titan’s fury as soon as the game drops.

What will you be getting for Titanicus? Will you be using any of the new modular terrain that just came out? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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