Forge World Facebook Shifts From 40k & Age of Sigmar

thunderhawk wal horA pretty big shift just happened over on the Forge World Facebook Page, and they just announced its changing to focus on Horus Heresy and Adeptus Titiancus.

You already know that there are a few different Facebook Pages out there for GW. Pages like Warhammer 40,000, Warhamer Age of Sigmar, and Warhammer TV. GW just shook up the Forge World’s Facebook page and the topics they’d cover…

Forge World Facebook Shifts From 40k & Age of Sigmar

forge world fb page

Coming from Forge World’s Facebook, they had this to say:

Horus Heresy fans rejoice! This is now the home for all the latest updates and news about The Horus Heresy and Adeptus Titanicus. And don’t worry, this doesn’t mean we’re forgetting about Middle-earth and Aeronautica Imperialis – you can find all their news over at the Warhammer Official page:

With the announcement saying that they’d only be covering Horus Heresy and Adeptus Titanicus, it makes you wonder where the future 40k, AoS, and other Forge World products will be talked about. It seems like they’ve dedicated Age of Sigmar’s Facebook to encompass everything Age of Sigmar (even Forge World). Likewise for the 40k stuff.

They’ve also delegated Middle-earth and Aeronautica Imperialis to their Warhammer TV page instead of Forge World’s as well.

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Looks Like There’s No Need To Worry

worried fbSome people were worried that because the Forge World page has stopped covering their goods other than Titanicus and Horus Heresy, that models would be disappearing.

forge worldThat’s highly doubtful as we’ve just seen new FW kits like the Necron Seraptek Construct and the Armiger Moirax hit their line. They wouldn’t dedicate all this time to big projects like that only to drop them a year and a half later.

With all of this now on the table, it seems like it would have been less confusing to just rename the Facebook Page “Warhammer Horus Heresy”. That way people who didn’t get the memo don’t spend time trying to find announcements for new 40k, AoS, AI, etc. stuff.

What do you think about the shift? Are you keeping tabs on all the different GW pages out there? Was this done to delegate a social media team to a specific project? 

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