Forge World New 40k Warbringer & Warlord Titan Pre-Orders

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityGet ready to blow the dust off of your big 40k titans because Forge World is rolling out three new pre-orders for the Warlord and Warbringer.

Forge World has opened up a new can of Titanic worms, with new pre-orders for the Warbringer and Warlord Titan, all of these items will ship on October 2nd, 2020.

Mars-Delta Pattern Warbringer Titan Head $98

warbringer headThis 21-part resin kit builds one complete head to be used on a Legio Titanicus Warbringer Nemesis Titan Body. The kit features internal detail for the Titan’s command crew, including a Princeps and a pair of Moderati. The kit also includes two tilting plates to use on your Warbringer Titan.

warbringer head 2Please note that the Warbringer Nemesis Titan Body is required to make full use of this kit.

In this kit, you get two new shield insignia pieces as well as the helmet with a removable top. Revealing the two pilots and Titan Commander.

Warbringer Titan With Volcano Cannon Turret $1,260

warbringer volcano cannon 1This 215-part resin kit contains a complete Legio Titanicus Warbringer Nemesis Titan Body and a Mars-Alpha pattern Nemesis volcano cannon. This kit is designed for experienced modellers and includes the Titan’s legs, torso, and arm assemblies alongside the carapace-mounted volcano cannon. It comes complete with a detailed assembly guide. Please note that the model will require a head and arm weapons to complete.

warbringer volcano cannon 2The volcano cannon is one of the most powerful laser weapons used by the Imperium, capable of blasting clean through even the most heavily armoured targets. In your games, the Mars-Alpha pattern Nemesis volcano cannon couples immense strength and damage potential with the ability to inflict mortal wounds, making it capable of destroying super-heavy vehicles and even enemy Titans in a single shot.

warbringer volcano cannon 3


warbringer volcano cannon 4Being the newest edition to the Titan family, the Warbringer has a lot to offer. Coming decked out with weapons and amazingly sculpted armor plates, you can turn heads when you show up with one of these on the table.

Warlord Titan Mori Quake Cannon $143

warlord quake cannon 1This multipart resin kit includes 13 components to construct one Mori quake cannon which can be mounted to either the left or right arm of the Warlord Titan. 

warlord quake cannon 2The rules for using the Mori quake cannon in your games of The Horus Heresy can be found in the Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List. Warhammer 40,000 rules are available in Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum.


warlord quake cannon 3Mori Quake Cannon on right arm

It’s been a while since we’ve seen Forge World put out some stuff for the big Titans. However, they definitely gave a helping hand of firepower to the Warlord and Warbringer. With the Warbringer being the newest model to the Titan line, it’s also probably one of the more popular ones we’ve been seeing on tabletops at events.

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What will you be grabbing in this round of releases? What Legion did you pick to paint your Titans up as?

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