Forge World Releases New Titanicus Weapon Options

By Wesley Floyd | November 22nd, 2019 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Forge World, Warhammer 40k Rumors

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityForge World is bringing more heat to Adeptus Titanicus with three new weapon loadouts for your Tiny Titans. Check out what you can pre-order now.

Forge World updated their pre-orders section with a few new weapon options for your Titans in Adeptus Titanicus. Let’s get a closer look at what we have to pick from now.

Warlord Paired Gatling Blasters $31

warlord paired gatling blasters

This resin kit contains 14 components with which to build a set of paired macro gatling blasters. These can be mounted on the carapace of the plastic Warlord Battle Titan (available separately).

Rules for the paired macro gatling blasters can be found in the Adeptus Titanicus Rules Set.

If you need more shield-stripping firepower for your Warlord, these are a great option. Especially since you don’t have to sacrifice the brutal punch of your Volcano Cannons as main weapons.

Warlord Paired Turbo Lasers $31

warlord paired turbo lasers

The sheer power, energy and armour-piercing capabilities behind the turbo laser destructors make these paired weapon ideal for taking out enemy Titans. Mounted on a Warlord’s carapace, they complement other heavy weaponry like volcano cannons, turning your Titan into a true god-machine capable of bringing its foes low with a single volley.

This resin kit contains 10 components with which to build a set of paired turbo laser destructors. These can be mounted on the carapace of the plastic Warlord Battle Titan (available separately).

Rules for the paired turbo laser destructors can be found in the Adeptus Titanicus Rules Set.

If you’ve been relying on Reavers and a few Warhounds to fill the gap of laser destructors, you can also now mount them to the top of your Warlord.

Warlord Paired Vulcan Mega-Bolters $31

warlord paired vulcan mega bolters

In the same veing as Gatling Blasters, the Mega-Bolters are a great option for stripping shields away as well. Their shots fragment and give you bonus hits with 6’s!

Paired Vulcan mega-bolters are the perfect carapace-mounted weapon for Warlord Titans that bear more powerful weapons on their arms, enabling them to take down an enemy Titan’s void shields before their devastating anti-armour weapons do the major damage. The rapid-fire shots of the Vulcan mega-bolter are also great for quickly dealing with banners of Knights that threaten to flank your god-machine.

This resin kit contains 10 components with which to build a set of paired Vulcan mega-bolters. These can be mounted on the carapace of the plastic Warlord Battle Titan (available separately).

Rules for the paired Vulcan mega-bolters can be found in the Adeptus Titanicus Rules Set.

Warlord Paired Weapon Bundle $93

warlord paired weapon bundle

For a bundle deal, which isn’t really a deal as you don’t save any money, you can grab a pair of each weapon with one click. If you’ve got one Warlord and you want him to have options, or you want to try out every weapon on all three of your Warlords, this might be the better way to go.

This bundle contains three sets of resin carapace weapons for the plastic Warlord Titan:

– Paired Vulcan mega bolters, comprising 10 components
– Paired macro gatling blasters, comprising 14 components
– Paired turbo laser destructors, comprising 10 components

Rules for all three weapons can be found in the Adeptus Titanicus Rules Set.

With these goodies on the way to Titanicus, what will you be strapping to the top of your Warlord? What battlefield role does your Warlord fill?

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