Happy Little Titans: Secrets To Playing Adeptus Titanicus

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Want to know some of the best ways to run your Titans in Adeptus Titanicus? Check out these “secrets” to commanding your battlegroup!

Adeptus Titanicus is full of giant metal walkers. You might wonder why there are Titans modeled with things like Bolters and Flamers in the game. However, everything has a solid use.

Why You Need (Small) Arms Firepower

titanicus warhound lava

You might wonder what kind of threat a Warhound’s Bolter would pose to a Warlord. In short, it’s no real threat to its armor. However, it’s the Warlord’s void shield’s bane. In Titanicus, you have to peel the Titans void shields apart like an onion before you can really begin to damage its body. Void shields will block any kind of incoming fire as long as you roll right. So instead of slowly plinking the shields apart with Volcano cannons, it’s best to run up with a Bolter Hound or a Gatling Reaver and overload its shields by the weight of sheer dakka. Then follow it up with a one-two punch from the Warlord’s Volcano Cannons.

7/10 times, the Warhound with Mega Bolters/ Gatling Reaver will be a support unit to your other Titans. While he might not be able to take down bigger Titans by himself, he definitely speeds up the process and can even shred Knights if they get caught out in the open long enough. Don’t be afraid to bring the low-strength dakka in your lists!

Why You Need Heavy Weaponry


Moving onto the real Titan-killing firepower of the list, you definitely need weapons that make the most of the enemy’s shields being down. Volcano Cannons on Warlord and Melta Cannons on Reavers are a great start. While you don’t have the dice pool of the shield-popping Bolter Hounds, your heavy weapons hit like a mack truck in a single shot. You’ll be able to cripple even the biggest Titans with a couple of solid hits. Just don’t waste your shooting from these guys until your target’s shields are completely gone.

Another note: It’s probably a good idea NOT to run Turbo Lasers on your Warlord with Volcano Cannons. You don’t want to run all-Draining weapons in-game. If you do, you’ll overload your reactor and begin to blow yourself up from the inside almost immediately.

All in all, have a few Titans dedicated to shield-popping, a few to Titan-killing, and a few in between to pick up the slack whenever this is any. Let us know what you think about Titanicus in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.