July White Dwarf Preview: Blood Ravens Rules & More

dow3 chapter master gabriel angelos blood raven

More new Space Marine rules are on the way in July’s White Dwarf! Take a closer look at everything inside including a Blood Ravens index, and a ton more!

Warhammer Community gave us an early preview of what we can look forward to in the next White Dwarf. There’s a lot in store for a bunch of GW’s games waiting just around the corner.

July White Dwarf Preview: Blood Ravens Index & More

july wd

The Blood Ravens are getting their index in the White Dwarf including a character sheet for Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos, a Chapter Tactic, and Stratagem. What these are all going to look like, we don’t know. But any kind of Astartes support is good!

There will also be a mix of how to paint Blood Ravens as well as a few short stories.

Age of Sigmar Battle Report & More

aos battle report

There’s going to be a battle report focused in on the four Daemon factions of AoS using the General’s Handbook 2019 as well! You can get a better idea of how your factions could be played from the people at GW.

Warhammer Underworlds: Arena Mortis

Warhammer Underworlds is getting more support with a new game mode. Arena Mortis is designed for 3-6 players all using a single character. That’s all we know on the game so far but it definitely sounds awesome.

Eisenhorn & Daemons Coming to Kill Team


What’s this? Inquisitor Eisenhorn… in Kill Team?! Yes. Yes it is. You’ll soon be able to use the legendary Inquisitor himself as a Commander in your games of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team! 


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Daemons are also making their way into Kill Team! That being said, don’t expect to be able to take something like a Daemon Prince of Greater Daemon. We might be limited to nothing bigger than something like a Poxbringer.

Even More Goodies Await

titanicus wal hor

Adeptus Titanicus, Blackstone Fortress, and Lord of the Rings are also getting some pages dedicated to their games. We don’t know exactly what those details will 100% be just yet, but it’s definitely something to keep in mind if you’re thinking about signing up for a copy.

Overall, there’s definitely a lot in store for this next edition of White Dwarf. Do you think we could see small Blood Raven detachments hit the meta when their index gets released? What character will you be picking in Arena Mortis (and don’t say Mollog). Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.