GW New LoTR, Titanicus & Underworlds Prices CONFIRMED

New Titans, Warbands and Lord of the Rings miniatures and rules are on the way! We’ve got your confirmed pricing for GW’s next big release lineup!

Multiple retailers have confirmed the pricing of all of Games Workshop’s pre-orders for next week. Here is everything that’s queued up to hit the shelves next week and their prices!

WHU: Thundrik’s Profiteers Warband $30

Thundrik’s Dice: $10/Thundrik’s Card Sleeves: $8

The Sky Dwarves have landed and are going to be taking the Shadeglass shards by force! Check out the details on these guys and their card sleeves!

WHU: Ylthari’s Guardians $30

ylthari's guardians

Ylthari’s Dice: $10 /Ylthari’s Card Sleeves: $8

ylthari guardian

The Sylvaneth have also come from their woods and found themselves in Nightvault. Do you prefer the playstyle of Sylvaneth in AoS? Will you be grabbing these guys for your collection?

Adeptus Titanicus: Doom of Molech (HB) $35


Doom of Moelch is going to be a huge expansion to Titanicus. This book is going to be loaded with new stratagems, maniples, rules for Knights, other Titans and more. Any Titanicus players should be getting a copy of the book.

Titanicus Imperialis Administratum Sector $150

at sector 1

Your Titans need some buildings to crash through. Get enough to fill a board with the Imperialis Sector and get your games started the right way.

Titanicus Civitas Imperials Spires $35

at sector 2

Already have the buildings? Save some money and just get a handful of spires to make your cityscapes a bit more in-depth.

Eowyn & Merry $40

eowyn & merry

eowyn & merry 2

From Warhammer Community:

this set includes models of Éowyn & Merry on foot as well as mounted, resembling both characters as they were in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. As with Gandalf the White and Peregrin Took, the kit’s innovative design enables the mounted version of Merry to be popped off to leave Éowyn alone on horseback, or pushed back in place. What’s more, a choice of head enables you to assemble Éowyn as a shieldmaiden of Rohan, or in her guise as Dernhelm – the alias taken by Éowyn in the book, meaning Hidden Protector – with a fully enclosed helmet to conceal her identity.

Books in the Release:

M-E SBG Battle Companies 2 (HB) $50

The Imperial Infantryman’s Handbook (PB) $30

Lords & Tyrants (HB) $27

The Imprecation of Daemons (AB) $17.50

Blacktalon: First Mark (PB) $16

Dark Imperium: Plague War (PB) $16

Webstore Exclusives:

These items look to be sticking to the online scene. You should be able to order these anytime from GW’s site assuming they have them in stock.

Eyes of the Nine Warband $25


Godsworn Hunt Warband $25

godsworn hunt warhammer underworlds Godsworn Hunt Warband Rules & Tactics

Thorns of the Briar Queen Warband $25

thorns 1


Mollog’s Mob Warband $25


Zarbag’s Gitz Warband $25


Stormsire’s Cursebreakers $25

stormsire 4

Adeptus Titanicus Grand Master Edition $290

Adeptus Titanicus Unboxing & A Titan Goes Missing

While it was sold in stores for a short time, you’ll still be able to grab this perfect starter for two people if you want to get into Titanicus.

Adeptus Titanicus Knight Stratagem Cards $15

knight stratagem

These are stratagem cards usable exclusively on Knights in Adeptus Titanicus. If you’ll be running them once Doom of Molech drops, you might want to grab a pack. The next releases are some older metal cast releases from back in the day.

The Breaking of the Fellowship $75

Grey Company $25

Haldir’s Elves With Bows $25

Haldir’s Elves With Swords $25

Morgul Stalkers $25

Faramir Captain of Ithilien $18

Halbarad $15

Kardush The Firecaller $15

Cirdan The Shipwright $12.50

What do you think about all of these releases coming out? Are you surprised that so many Warbands are already a Webstore Exclusive? let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.