Must Have Titanicus? Acastus Knights Shake It Up!

acastus titanicus wal

The Acastus Class Knight Porphyrion is the next big thing to hit Titanicus. Now we can finally take a look at the unit’s command terminal.

Coming from Warhammer Community, they revealed the Porphyrion’s command terminal for Adeptus Titanicus. This thing is going to be in the ballpark of a Scout Class Titan. But the really cool thing is that this guy is part of a Knight banner.

Adeptus Titanicus: Acastus Knight Command Terminal Review

acastus command terminal

These guys have a lot of tricks up their sleeve, and because they’re part of a Knight banner, players might be more encouraged to bring a handful of these to their games to support their Titans. Breaking down the command terminal, they rock ion shields instead of Void Shields. On top of that, their base BS is only a 4+ but if they stay still and get issued Split Fire/First Fire they increase their BS to a 3+.

Each Knight packs a real punch with their wargear and can even work as a one-man operation. The Ironstorm Missile Pods get six dice to shoot, have barrage (so you don’t need to worry about LOS), AND have Rapid. That means that 6’s to hit explode just like the Warhound’s mega-bolter. If you have two of these guys pointing their missiles at a Titan’s Void Shields, you’ve got a pretty good chance of dropping them in a round of shooting.


Once the shields drop, the Acastus class have plenty of heavy weaponry options to choose from. The most brutal of all the weapons are probably the Twin Conversion Beam cannons. These get 4 shots a pop with a 3″/5″ blast at S9. It’s got awesome range, covers ground when it hits, and is spammable due to the Knights only being 80 pts base.

Coordinated Strikes Are Too Good to Pass Up

coordinated strikes


The Strength 8 and 3″ blast of the magna lascannon will utterly annihilate Knights and lighter Titans, and can give Reavers and Warlords a metaphorical bloody nose too – especially in larger Banners within a Knight Households force, where they can use the Coordinated Strike order to increase the weapon’s Strength to a potential 12, making Devastating and Critical Hits much more likely. That’ll teach those Titan Princeps to make an enemy of the Knight Households!

If you need some extra punching force for a short time, you can issue a Banner the Coordinated Strikes order where they all fire on the same target. If you do, their weapons get a boost in strength and only increases your chances of punching through the armor of your target.

Because both of these guy’s arms are massive cannons with plenty of range, there’s no reason why they should be moving up to the front like a Plasma/Bolter Warhound. There’s a strong chance that we could start seeing these guys pop up in lists to sit in the back with a Warlord and rain down supportive fire.

What do you think about the Acastus Class Knights? How many will you be bringing in your list? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!