New Bonereapers, Ogors Release Lineup & Pricing CONFIRMED!

feast of bones new releasesDon’t miss the confirmed pricing and lineup for Ossiarch Bonereapers and Ogor goodies, plus the new Feast of Bones Starter box set, and more.

Multiple retailers have already confirmed GW’s next release wave! If you want an early look at what you may spend your hobby $$$ on, dive in with us.

AoS Feast of Bones Box Set $195

feast of bones

Coming with a brand new Death faction and a new model on the Ogor’s side, this is going to be the start of another exciting wave of rules hitting the AoS universe. Will you be splitting this box or keeping all the models to yourself?

Ossiarch Bonereapers Battletome $40

ossiarch bonereapers battletome

No army is really complete without a Battletome. This will have all the info on what you need to run your faction. From artifacts, spells, warscrollss, etc. This is a must.

Ogor Mawtribes Battletome $40

mawtribes battletome

In the same vein as the Bonereapers, the Ogors are getting an updated Battletome with Beastclaw Raiders and Gutbusters thrown together!

Ossiarch Bonereapers & Ogor Mawtribes Warscroll Cards $20 ea.

bonereapers warscroll cards


ogors warscroll cards

If you want all your units’ information ready at your fingertips, Warscroll cards make everything so much easier. Especially if you’re starting out trying to learn a new faction you picked up.

Ossiarch Bonereapers Endless Spells $35

ossiarch bonereaper endless spells

The Bonereapers are getting three faction-unique endless spells that are most definitely Death-centered. How much do you think these will cost? What will they do in-game?

Bone-Tithe Nexus Terrain Piece $50

The Bone-Tithe Nexus is the Terrain piece for the Bonereapers if you couldn’t already tell. There’s definitely been a tithe made to this altar. And seeing as terrain pieces cost 0 pts in-game, there’s no drawback to including one in your collection.

Ogor Mawtribes Mawpot Terrain Piece $40

Looking at the Ogor’s terrain piece, earlier rumors mentioned some kind of giant pot coming to the faction. It looks like they were right all along with one of the coolest terrain pieces we’ve seen in a while!

Ossiarch Bonereaper Dice Set $25

bonereaper dice

Ogor Mawtribes Dice Pack $35

ogor dice

Adeptus Titanicus Questoris Knights (Gauntlets & Rocket Pods) $40

titanicus knights

Bringing in the Titanicus sprues spotted for Knights from months ago, the Questoris will be getting a dose of firepower with rocket pods and thunderstrike gauntlets next in a new and improved boxed kit! This is just going to bring even more customization to your Knight Banners.

Aeronautica Imperialis: Ork ‘Eavy Air Bommerz $50

eavy bommer

With only two factions in Aeronautica Imperialis so far, Orks are getting the ‘Eavy Bommerz in an individual box kit! You get two per pack.

Black library

black library

First & Only (20th Anniversary Ed.) HB Novel $30

Webstore Exclusive


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Ossiarch Bonereapers Battletome Limited Ed. $80

Ogor Mawtribes Battletome Limited Ed. $80

Free Peoples Profile Cards $27

Valdor: Birth of the Imperium Limited Ed. (HB Novel) $60

Adeptus Titanicus Knight Questoris Upgrade Pack $15

adeptus titanicus knight questoris

If you’ve future-proofed your models for Titanicus, you can just buy the cheaper upgrade pack for your Knights and throw Thunderstrike Gauntlets and Rocket Pods on them in a jiffy!

Titanicus Legio Atarus & Tempestus Transfer Decals $23 ea.

titanicus knight decals

If you’re a little late to the Adeptus Titanicus scene and decided to play one of the Titan Legions out of the base book, you can still get their decals and transfer sheets. Get your models looking beyond tabletop and lay low other enemy Titans!

With all of these releases underway, what will you be buying first? Are you going to wait for the second release wave of Bonereapers to buy in? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!