New Doom of Molech Stratagems For Titanicus SPOTTED!

By Wesley Floyd | April 25th, 2019 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Warhammer 40k Rumors

titanicus warhound lava

Doom of Molech is right around the corner and some brand new Legio Stratagems were spotted out of the book. Check out the latest new rules for Titanicus!

Doom of Molech is going to be more or less centered around a few new Legions and how to take Knights en masse. With that, we’ve just seen the first few pages of Stratagems spotted on imgur. Check out what’s coming to the game real soon!

Doom of Molech Stratagems SPOTTED


There’s a lot of info on these pages, but we’ll be plucking out a few of stratagems and breaking down the ones that stuck out to us. Stratagems cost SP in the game. You get these points if your opponent uses a set of Legio Titan rules, at specific points levels, and if there is a point deficit between players of X amount at those certain levels as well.

Now let’s check out what kind of tricks the Titans will have up their sleeves!

The Long Retreat(1): This Stratagem only costs one point and can be purchased by any Loyalist player. when you decide to pop the Strat, you essentially don’t have to halve your movement like you normally would when moving outside of their front arc. This is perfect for a defensive maneuver. If a chainfisted Reaver is getting too close for comfort and you won’t be able to kill him in time, just skirt your way around him and create a bit more space between him. Or, if you have a Titan positioned just right, you can use this to skirt around an enemy Titan and unload on his rear armor.

Stratagems Cont.

Penance (2) is a weird one. You get a TON of victory points if you let your Titans get beat up, but not destroyed. You can get a whopping six bonus victory points as long as you let your Titans act like punching bags and never fall.

Titanic Decapitation (1) Another hefty point scorer, you get five victory points if you threw down the hate on a Titan’s head.

Quake Shells (2) This Stratagem really has three uses. You can pelt a voidshield and try to overload it with D6 hits, bully a weaker Knight squad that might be flanking you, or break up a cluster of Titans (like the Warhounds in a Lupercal maniple) and have them scatter D6 inches and collide with one another. You’ll really always have a use for this thing.

Dawn Attack (3) essentially puts you in darkness. This might be really useful if you’re bringing a melee-focused battlegroup. Titans can only shoot D6X10 inches in front of them. But if they already shot while the stratagem is in effect, anybody can shoot at them. (It makes sense…seeing a couple of volcano cannons charge up might be a dead give away that something angry is in that direction).

Ablative Armour (1) is a nice way to squeeze out the last bit of like from your Titan and keep him going as long as he can. You can reveal this stratagem whenever they take a direct, devastating, or critical hit, it’s just ignored. Not too bad for just one point.

Any Legion Can Use Any Stratagem…For a Cost

titanicus wal

Finally, have you read that little blue box on the left yet? It says that players can ask their opponent permission to use another Stratagem outside of their Legio rules. If they say it’s okay, it’ll only cost one additional CP and you’ll be able to use any Stratagem out there. 

This (sort of) makes sense on the tabletop when you think about it. Legions are just now discovering that their brothers turned Traitor and it might not have been too long ago that they had some kind of training exercises together. Or, the Legions could be taking drastic measures and training as much as they can across all the Legions have to offer in order to be prepared for any situation. Of course, it also makes sense that they wouldn’t be able to perform the Stratagems as well as the Legion that invented it. We think this is balanced, but it’ll add a lot more intricacies to the game for sure.

We’ve got a lot to digest! What do you think about the Stratagems coming to Titanicus? What seems like the most powerful Stratagem to run with your list? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.