RUMORS: New Imperial Knights on the Way for Titanicus

By Wesley Floyd | September 13th, 2018 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Warhammer 40k Rumors

knight castellan wal hor

We’re back again this morning with a rumor about Adeptus Titanicus. If it turns out to be true, get ready to see more Knights marching across the board.

There’s word of more Titan models coming to Adeptus Titanicus. Keep in mind that these are all just RUMORS and that’s what they’ll continue to be until we see more.

RUMORS: New Imperial Knights on the Way for Titanicus


According to the rumor from BoLS, we are supposed to be seeing more and more promotion for Titanicus in the months ahead. Titanicus looks to be shying away from Infantry and other vehicles still. The game IS called “Titanicus” after all. We should be on the lookout for these Titans on the horizon:

  • Armiger Class (Warglaive & Helverin)
  • Dominus Class  (Castellan & Valliant)
  • Porphyrion Class
  • Cerastus Class (Lancers & possibly more)

On top of all these Titans in the rumor mill, we should also be looking for weapon sets. This should have things like auxiliary missile launchers, ETC.

If the Rumors are True

knight Armiger

The first thing that comes to our mind is how small the Armigers would be. Would they even be able to touch something like a Warhound? They will probably have to roam in packs and clear out a few Questoris-Class Titans in-game. We already know how small those models are.

On top of that, we can expect to see the Dominus-Class models to be slightly bigger than the Questoris and a little bit tougher.

As for the Cerastus-Class Lancers, we could only guess that they would be able to chase down enemy Titans caught out of position and completely wreck them in close combat. These guys may have to roam in pairs of two if they want to take down bigger things.

At the end of the day, Titanicus has been given a hard time by the community because of its price.

What kind of Titan would you like to see the most? Would you pick up this game if they added more Knights to the selection?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

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