2 Big Errors To Watch Out For On New Psi-Warlord Titan

titanicus wal warlord psi titanWatch out Titanicus players, not only is the Warlord Sinister Psi-Titan purely killy in-game, it’s also got two errors printed on its wargear!

Sprues & Brews  laid out their copy of the new Psi-Titan recently, and we noticed to errors printed on it’s wargear cards.  Take a look at this!

The Forge World Psi-Titan Warlord Unboxed & More!

titanicus psi titan unbox 1As you can see, when you order the Psi-Titan from Forge World, you’ll get the plasma-variant Warlord with a resin upgrade kit.

titanicus psi titan unbox 2Breaking down the resin parts that actually make up the Psi-Titan, there’s not that much of a change from the base kit. You get a new weapon, helmet, and carapace where all of the other bits are just very minor cosmetic pops like armor plates and power cores.

titanicus psi titan unbox 3On the instruction kit, you can see everything in a darker grey is where the resin bits will be places. It looks like you put two armor panels on the lower half of the gun and two more just below the headpiece.

titanicus psi titan unbox 5For the actual terminal card, you can see that the Psi-Titan’s signature weapon, the Sinistramanus Tenebrae is locked in and you can’t swap it for anything. However, you still get your carapace weapons and something to throw on your right arm.

titanicus psi titan unbox 4Breaking down the Sinistramanus Tenebrae, it’s got a short range of 30″ and a long of 120″. At S10 with 3 dice with Psi and Taxing, it’s slightly weaker than the Bellicosa volcano cannon. On the flipside, you have double the overall reach on the weapon making it a potentially great backfield unit that you might want to arm with Apocalypse Missile launchers.

Psi ignores void shields and being a beam weapon it’s going to be able to call shot exactly where it needs to do the damage every time. With three dice, one of those is bound to hit home potentially delivering the killing blow. Plus if you knock out a titan from this weapon, the beam keeps going on to hit another target along its path until it finally degrades.

Two Errors to Be Aware Off:

titanicus psi titan unbox 6Regular Warlord-Release Laser Blasters (LEFT) Psi-Titan Warlord-Release Laser Blasters (RIGHT)

GW’s editors were either at lunch when these wargear cards were printed or there is an errata on the way for the Warlord Titan.

Looking at the wargear cards from the earlier Warlord kit release as well as the Psi-Titan release, it looks like there might be a misprint on the Paired Laser Blasters and the Apocalypse Missiles.

The Laser Blasters are all essentially the same except for one crucial feature. At long range with the earlier Warlord, you’re -1 to hit. However, at long range with the Psi-Titan release card, you’re +1 to hit.

So not only do you get +1 to hit, but you’re also able to do it at a much farther distance. This clearly looks to be a misprint so just keep that in mind before you jump into your next game!

apocalypse missile launcher error

Image courtesy of Sepulchre of Heroes

Plus look close at the Apocalypse Missiles from this kit, they are listed here as 5 shots whereas on every other Warlord they are 10 shots. The Reaver Apocalpypse missiles, however, are 5 shots so perhaps this was a copypasta error?

Great looking kit overall, but watch out for what looks to be two big typos for the weapons princeps!

With the new Psi-Titan looked at a bit closer, what are your thoughts on the model? Is this your new favorite model for Titanicus? How do you have yours equipped?

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