Titanicus Matched Play, Stratagems & Assets Rules

By Wesley Floyd | August 13th, 2018 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Come see how competitive Adeptus Titanicus will be for matched play and check out the rules for their Stratagems and Assets as well.

With all the rules out there for Titanicus, we can get a better idea on how Stratagems and Assets work.

They do offer a game-changing effect if you use them at just the right time so don’t skip over them when you play!

Matched Play

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In matched play, you go off of a points system that you and your opponent both agreed on. There’s a nifty little chart that shows you how long the game should take per point value.

On top of that, when it comes to selecting your objectives, you’ll roll 2D6 and pick the two objectives on the chart. You secretly write down one of the two that you picked and that’s your objective you’ll go for in the game.

Battlefield Assets

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With assets, you have an extra little helper on your team. You have to deploy them before anything else and only in your deployment. Generally speaking, your Titans have to be right next to the asset model to get the benefit if it’s not the Missile Strongpoint or Macro Cannon Battery.

The Assets offer some great bonuses and they are a little difficult to hit at being -1 in short range and -2 in long range. Titans can also step over them but they have a chance of stepping on them and crushing it so be careful of that.

Assets may give you some nice bonuses, but they can slow you down immensely. Depending on what your objective for the game is, you may not have time to keep one or two titans back just standing next to the asset to get bonuses. Assets give bonuses but it’s at the cost of your speed.

Titanicus Stratagems

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Looking at Stratagems, players will pick them secretly and write them down. The same stratagem can’t be taken more than once unless it says so. For every 200 points less one player has than the opponent, they will get to take another stratagem.

  • Thermal Mines is a powerful stratagem. After an enemy Titan moves, it suffers D3 S10 hits to the legs. It also can’t make any Void Shield saves. It may now kill a Titan right away, but it’ll slow it down for sure.
  • Voidbreaker Field can be devastating as well.  on a 2+ the enemy must make that many Void Shield saves on the shield. it could be 6! If the shield goes down before your Titans shoot, that’s almost certain death.

Titanicus Matched Play, Stratagems & Assets Rules

Take some time and look over the stratagems and assets to see which ones you’ll be taking with your force. Some combos work better with certain Titans. It’s all depending on the player. With that being said, what do you think about Titanicus? What kind of Assets will you be taking? Which Stratagem interests you the most? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.


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