New Aeronautica Imperialis Skies of Fire: Pricing & Lineup

warhammer gw store new releasesNew Aeronautica Imperialis models and rules are here, so don’t miss the next batch of releases that are on pre-order right now!

All of these are centered around Aeronautica, however, there are new models for those of you who want to get creative with the plastic. Let’s check out all the releases you can get your hands on starting June 13th!

Aeronautica: Skies of Fire $90

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

skies of fireThe set includes the following Citadel multipart plastic miniatures, each supplied with an Aeronautica Imperialis base and a ball socket stem:

– 2 Astra Militarum Valkyrie Assault Carriers (can be assembled as Vendetta Assault Carriers)
– 3 Imperial Navy Lightning Fighters (can be assembled as Lightning Strike Fighters)
– 3 T’au Air Caste Barracudas AX-5-2 (can be assembled as AX-5-3 or AX-5-4)
– 2 T’au Air Caste Tiger Sharks

The set also includes a 36-page rulebook featuring the following information:

– 1 Scenario Leaflet including three additional missions: Ambush, Breakthrough, and The Straggler
– 1 double-sided Area of Engagement game board (depicting two different war zones)
– 1 double-sided card token sheet (70 tokens to help you keep track of all the action)
– 8 six-sided dice (white with black pips)
– 1 transfer sheet (for the Imperial Navy, Astra Militarum and T’au Air Caste aircraft included in the set)
– 2 quick reference cards (containing the key game rules)

Taros Air War Campaign Book $35

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

talos air warThis beautiful 96-page hardback campaign book includes the following (plus loads more):
– A matt-finish cover with gloss spot finish highlights, plus a ribbon bookmark in drab green.
– The full Aeronautica Imperialis game rules, including how to build your force using Squadron Lists, perform Ace Manoeuvres, field different classes of aircraft and unleash ground defences. Learn how to manoeuvre your aircraft, adjust their altitude and change speed while avoiding the risks of crashing and breaking up (if you exceed your maximum speed). There are even rules for special manoeuvres including landing, taxiing, and taking-off.
– In-depth background on the war to retake Taros from established T’au Empire armies, in particular the air war and daring low-altitude skirmishes.
– New rules for Flying at Low Altitude, Terrain Height, Collisions, Rolling Areas of Engagement, and Falling Behind.
– Five scenarios, including The Dogfight, The Chase, Subterranean Assault, Sky-Fortress Attack and Canyon Attack Run.
– Rules for campaign play, including how to replace destroyed aircraft and level up your pilots as they gain experience.
– Squadron Lists, providing details of the following aircraft, including their weapon options and special rules: Avenger Strike Fighter, Lightning Strike Fighter, Imperial Arvus Lighter, Valkyrie Assault Carrier, Vulture Gunship, Barracuda, Tiger Shark and Remora Drone.
– Rules for ground assets such as the Hydra Flak Battery, Basilisk Anti-Aircraft Emplacement, KV 126 Skyfire Platform and KV 129 Stormfury Platform.
– Rules for the following legendary ace pilots: Flight Commander Megana Ayce, Flight Lieutenant Dyce Vander, Kor’la Kae O’ar and Kor’la Dor’n O’ka – each including a profile of their aircraft and special rules.
– Example colour schemes of Imperial Navy, Astra Militarum and T’au Air Caste aircraft.
– A reference page showing the eight different manoeuvres aircraft can take, as well as a 2-page quick reference containing the key game rules.

Imperial Navy Lightning Fighters $42

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

Lightning fighters


lightning fighterThe set includes:
– 6 plastic Imperial Navy Lightning Strike Fighter miniatures (2 of which can be built as Lightning Fighters)
– 6 Aeronautica Imperialis bases (each of which designates the model’s front, rear and side arcs, speed and altitude dials, as well as a clear stand to connect the aircraft to the base)
– 1 Lightning Squadron transfer sheet

Astra Militarum Valkyrie Assault Carriers $42

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

valkyrie assault carriers


valkyrie assault carrierThe set includes:
– 4 plastic Astra Militarum Valkyrie Assault Carrier miniatures (can also be built as Vendetta Assault Carriers)
– 4 Aeronautica Imperialis bases (each base designates the model’s front, rear and side arcs, has speed and altitude dials as well as a clear stand to connect the aircraft to the base)
– 1 Valkyrie Squadron transfer sheet

Tau Air Caste Barracuda Fighters $42

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

T’au Air Caste Barracuda Fighters


barracuda fighterThe set includes:
– 6 plastic T’au Air Caste Barracuda AX-5-2 miniatures (can also be built as AX-5-3 and AX-5-4 variants)
– 6 Aeronautica Imperialis bases (each base designates the model’s front, rear and side arcs, has speed and altitude dials, as well as a clear stand to connect the aircraft to the base)
– 1 T’au Aircraft transfer sheet

T’au Air Caste Tiger Shark Fighter-Bombers $42

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

T’au Air Caste Tiger Shark Fighter-Bombers


tigere shark fighter-bombersThe set includes:
– 2 plastic T’au Air Caste Tiger Shark AX-1-0-2 miniatures (can also be built as AX-1-0-3 and AX-1-0-4 variants)
– 2 Aeronautica Imperialis bases (each base designates the model’s front, rear and side arcs, has speed and altitude dials, as well as a clear stand to connect the aircraft to the base)
– 1 T’au Aircraft transfer sheet

Tau Air Caste Tiger Shark AX-1-0 Fighter-Bombers $42

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

ax-1-0 fighter bomber


tiger shark ax 1-0The set includes:
– 2 plastic T’au Air Caste Tiger Shark AX-1-0 miniatures, armed with either paired heavy rail cannons or paired heavy plasma accelerators
– 2 Aeronautica Imperialis bases, designating the model’s front, rear and side arcs as well as speed and altitude dials, and including a clear stand to connect the aircraft to each base
– 1 T’au Tiger Shark AX-1-0 transfer sheet

Taros Area of Engagement Board $42

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

taros boardThe double-sided game board comes in two pieces and features artwork depicting the following aerial war zones:
– Side 1: The Furnace – the skies above a T’au Empire military outpost nestled in the mountains, including a space elevator
– Side 2: The Grand Reservoir – a vast subterranean water purification system, including tight confines for tense dogfights

T’au Air Caste Dice & Cards $27 (Dice Pack only) $15 

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

T’au Air Caste Dice & cardsThis pack contains the following cards:
– 26 T’au Aircraft cards that are ideal references for use in-game for your Barracuda AX-5-2, Barracuda AX-5-3, Barracuda AX-5-4, Tiger Shark AX-1-0-2, Tiger Shark AX-1-0-3, Tiger Shark AX-1-0-4, Tiger Shark AX-1-0 and Remora Drone aircraft. Also includes the Red Horizon and Dawn Sword named aircraft.
– 18 Aircraft Upgrade cards (including Decoy Drones, Defensive Drones, Infra-red Targeting, Armoured Cockpit and Ionic Afterburners)
– 28 Aircraft Weapon cards (including Cyclic Ion Blaster Drones, Long-Barreled Burst Cannon Drones and Seeker Missile Bays)
– 6 Ground Defences cards (including Skyfire Platform and Stormfury Platform)
– 8 T’au Aces cards, including Dor’n O’ka, Kae O’ar and 6 T’au Ace Ability cards

Imperial Navy Taros Dice & Cards $27

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

Imperial Navy Taros Dice & cardsThis pack contains the following cards:
– 27 Imperial Aircraft cards that are ideal references for use in-game for your Lightnings, Lightning Strikes, Valkyries, Vendettas, Avengers, Vulture Gunships and Arvus Lighters. Also includes the Dust Devil and Hellion named aircraft
– 12 Aircraft Upgrade cards (including Tactical Targeting Array, Armoured Transport Compartment, Armoured Cockpit, Infra-Red Targeting, Ejector Seats and Flares or Chaff Launchers)
– 34 Aircraft Weapon cards (including Pair of Hellstrike Missiles, Hellstrike Missile Cradle, Pair of Skystrike Missiles, Skystrike Missiles Cradle, Pair of Wing Bombs, Wing Bombs Cradle, Twin Rocket Pods, Twin-Linked Lascannon, Twin Lascannon, Twin Autocannon and Punisher Cannon)
– 4 Ground Defences cards (including Hydra Flak Battery and Basilisk Anti-Aircraft Gun)
– 8 Imperial Aces cards, including Megana Ayce, Dyce Vander, and 6 Astra Militarum Ace Ability cards

Kill Team Dice & Cards Set $30

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

kill team dice and cardKeep track of your kill team’s development with this handy set of dice and datacards. In addition to a set of black and orange Kill Team dice (six 6-sided dice and two 10-sided dice), the pack includes 23 blank datacards that you can fill out. Three of the datacards have been specifically designed for your kill team’s Commanders, while the other twenty cater for your Leader, specialists and other warriors. The Kill Team Card and Dice Set comes neatly presented in a tuck box.

Are you excited about the wave of Aeronautica releases, or are you waiting for some more 40k or AoS news?

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