16 Page New AoS Skirmish Campaign SPOTTED!

By James Rodriguez | March 6th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

age of sigmar stormcast models

Hinterlands is a cool new user created scenario for Age of Sigmar, and it’s becoming a huge fan favorite. Come see what all the hype is about!

You can download the new Skirmish Campaign, The Hinterlands, from the TGA Community. Sam James did a fantastic job at writing this whole thing up, and it’s apparent with the amount of success it’s had so far. Let’s take a look at it:

Hinterlands Cover

Hinterlands Contents


Hinterlands Campaign Rules

The campaign has a Gold Coin currency system that are used to purchase units for Warbands, and every player starts off with 150 gold coins. The cost of each unit is the point cost from the General’s Handbook divided by the minimum unit size. So if a unit has a cost of 100 with a minimum of 5 models it would cost you 20 Gold Coins to add that unit to your Warband. The units gain experience for killing enemies and surviving the battle. For models slain during battle they will roll a D6 and note the injuries from the Injuries Table, and they will carry over to the next battle. If your General is slain then you must choose a new model to be your General at the start of the next battle.

Hinterlands Command Traits

As a model gains experience it will progress through levels, with the max set at level 10, and you can find the benefits on the Advancement Table. Roll 2D6 and match your results to find out what traits you’re model will carry with it. Allegiance Abilities from the General’s Handbook are not used, and instead you will choose a unique Command Trait from the page above.


Underdog Gambits is a really unique idea that actually helps the little guy. If one army has a total gold cost less the other then they are considered the Underdog. They get to roll a D6 and take the added benefit from the Underdog Gambits Table that matches what their dice results.

Hinterlands Battleplans
There are 5 Battleplans for The Hinterlands, and to decide which one you’ll be playing roll a D6 match the result to the Battleplan table above, and on the event of a 6 the underdog gets to choose the Battleplan. All Battleplans are fought on a 4×4 play area with double the amount of terrain you would normally use. Talk about close quarters combat!

The Hinterlands was really well thought out and seems like a fun new way to play an Age of Sigmar campaign. There’s much more to be seen for Hinterlands, be sure to head over and download your FREE copy today!

simgar cover aos cover battle varanguard dracothion sigmar

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About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”