2019 General’s Handbook: Point Changes & Highlights

Duardin Army fyreslayers age of sigmar wal hor

Don’t miss these big points changes and highlights from the Generals Handbook as 2019 is sizing up to be an exciting year for Age of Sigmar!

Warhammer Community dropped a small preview on the new book giving us some insight on what would get changed.

However, Miniwars also dropped some early images of the points changes that we can all dissect.

Let’s go over the hottest details and biggest changes!

Matched Play Before GHB 2019

flesheater courts

Before we jump into the most anticipated changes, it helps to know what some of the meta/problem units are in the game currently. Generally speaking, we feel like most of the attention will be directed to Flesheater Courts and Beastclaw Raiders.

The real problem with the Flesheater Courts is that they can take the Gristlegore house that allows Behemoths to become Battleline. That means you can have Zombie Dragons fill out all the requirements of your list. But that’s not all. The leader of those undead flying monsters can actually attack multiple times a turn even if you charge it. Really, the only way to deal with the thing is to mortal wound it off the board before it touches anything. They are the reason why they’ve been maxing out the charts at tournaments.

beastclaw 1

As for the Beastclaw Raiders, they’re just too expensive. They’ve got some solid unit options (Thundertusks being the most popular). However, they’re just too expensive for what you get right now to field battlelines and objective grabbers. Plus, AoS favors armies that have tons and tons of bodies. Whereas Beastclaw Raiders might have twenty models at 2,000 pts. 

Points Changes For GHB 2019 Highlights

Age of Sigmar Endless Spells & How to Use Them

Remember, we’re not going over every single change here. If you play a faction that we didn’t cover much, be sure to check out a deeper look into your units yourself.

Beastclaw Raiders

beastlcaw rairder

It’s pretty much all good news for the Beastclaw Raiders, with a number of significant drops in points! The Mournfang Pack – a staple of Beastclaw Raiders lists – now only costs 140 points for starters, while both Stonehorn Beastriders and Thundertusk Beastriders have also been discounted. 

Yes, this picture looks like it was taken by a toothbrush, but we can pick out a few decent changes from our current points for the Beastclaws.

  • Mournfang Pack: -20 pts
  • Stonehorn Beastriders: -20 pts
  • Thundertusk Beastriders -10-20 pts
  • Huskard on Stonehorn: -20 pts
  • Huskard on Thundertusk: Unchanged
  • Frostlord on Stonehorn: Unchanged
  • Frostlord on Thundertusk: Unchanged

Obviously, the points a little blurry so forgive any small math errors.

All in all, the points changes are definitely welcome. However, it looks like it might not be enough to squeeze anything else too significant into the list. It might still be enough to take a mercenary band if you kit your list right.


seraphon wal

Seraphon were the top summoning army about a year ago. They’ve changed since then. But looking at some of their unit points, they’re all over the board.

seraphon points

  • Lord Kroak: –20 pts
  • Slann Starmaster: Unchanged
  • Saurus Oldblood on Carnasaur: -20 pts
  • Saurus Guard: -10 pts
  • Skinks: +10 pts
  • Saurus Warriors: -10 pts
  • Saurus Knights: -10 pts
  • Saurus Guard: -10 pts

For Seraphon, their points fluctuated more towards the decrease in points. The list you’re currently running might actually be cheaper and allow you to bring another unit. Most of the changes were about 10 pts, however, that really adds up in a 2,000 pt list.

Stormcast Eternals

Stormcast Eternals are easily GW’s most expansive army in terms of units to choose from. Check out their massive chart of points.

sc changes 1


sc changes 2

  • Evocators: +20 pts
  • Decimators: -20 pts
  • Protectors: -2o pts
  • Retributors: -20 pts
  • Celestar Ballista: +10 pts
  • Aventis Firestrike: -20 pts
  • Celestant-Prime: (possibly +20 pts or Unchanged)
  • Judicators: Unchanged
  • Liberators: Unchanged

Obviously, the points a little blurry so forgive any small math errors.

As for the Stormcast, they’ve got the most radical points changes out of everything we’ve covered. Most changes are sitting in the +/- 20 pts bracket. We could be seeing some really different lists for Stormcast once they explore their whole range of changes.

Remember, we haven’t covered every single point-change for every faction. You’ll need to go in and dissect the points for your list if you are wanting to get an early look at what’s coming for your army. We still have yet to see any word on factions like the Fyreslayers, Gloomspite Gitz, Skaven Flesheater Courts, etc.

What are your thoughts on the changes? Has your current competitive list gone up or down in points? Do you think these changes are going to be fair? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.