5 New Fyreslayers Matched Play Rules SPOTTED!

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Fyreslayers might have just gotten their battletome but the rules train hasn’t quite stopped for these guys yet. Check out this month’s White Dwarf.

The Fyreslayers Vostarg clan is at the center of the new rules in White Dwarf. If you didn’t see much out of the Battletome that sparked your interest, take a look at these new Warscroll Battalions and let us know if you’ll be them on the tabletop.

Vostarg Fyreslayers Faction Rules Revealed in June White Dwarf

bael grimnir

Bael-Grimnir is a character riding a Magmadroth that comes with almost every rule in the book. While he may only be a 14-wound 4+ save model, he can dish out mortal wounds, nuke bravery, subtract 1 from hit rolls and can even increase the range of attacks. If you’re playing a Magmadroth-focused list, this guy might be an auto-include.

lords of vostarg 1

Three small Warscroll Battalions can also be found in the book. Breaking each one down, Lords of Vostarg is focused on a band of Heroes. The reward is that you get to use a command ability once per game for free.

The Vostarg Warrior Kinband focuses on turning your Berzerkers into even better blenders all giving them +1 attack by hanging around the Auric Runeson.

And lastly, the Vostarg Forge Brethren allows your prayer for runic empowerment ability to be answered on a 2+ instead of a 3+.

Super Battalion: Grand Fyrd of Furious Peak

grand fyrd

If you want to take the super Battalion and get another dollop of rules thrown onto your guys, you can take the Grand Fyrd of Furious Peak. This gives the Ancestral Fury rule to everyone in the Battalion. You can add 1 to any hit rolls for units with this rule. But if you’re going against Chaos, you can even reroll wounds of 1. This Battalion takes two Vostarg Warrior Kinbands as well. Which means you’ll have six units of Berzerkers getting +1 attack and getting +1 to all hit rolls. And that’s just one unit out of the Battalion. 

So how much does everything cost?

Vostarg Points Spotted

fyreslayers WD

We can check out the points of everything in the White Dwarf as well. Bael-Grimnir is sitting at a hefty 300pts but that’s probably fair considering all the rules he has. As for the Warscroll Battalions, the one that requires the most filled slots is actually the cheapest at only 90 pts. Of course, you still have to dump a ton of points into the units and other Warscrolls so it all makes sense. 

What do you think about the post-Battletome Fyreslayers support found in the June White Dwarf? Has the faction got any better? What Warscroll will you be taking? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.