Preparing for an AoS tournament will vary based on store rules and the army size being fielded. These five tips however can help out in most tournaments.
- Make a list of all the miniatures you have for the army you are bringing, and what battalions they meet. This will let you always go back to the drawing board in case you are not happy with the way your army is shaping up. Use this amazing free warscroll builder to help: scrollbuilder com
- Try and have your army meet a battalion warscroll so that you can choose to set up all the battalion models at once. This will let you decide if you want to take the first turn, or if you want to go for the double turn. Doing so will let you help dictate the flow of the game from the very beginning. If you can’t get all your points in one battalion you can always save some for “summoning” or try and go for a 2 drop army. (Also as a bonus each battalion gives you an extra artifact)
- Rend and mortal wounds are really powerful right now, in that it can help you take out key units in your opponent’s army. Getting wounds in on the larger models will drastically reduce their effectiveness by moving them down the damage table. So it works in your favor to get some high damage hits in through their armor as quickly as possible.
- Plan for multiple difference scenarios and understand how they work. Sometimes you will get points for killing certain characters, holding objectives, casting spells, etc. Each one is different and generally you can’t switch up your army mid tournament so have a force that can evolve to meet the win conditions.
5. Finally research the top teams that are out there and be ready to face them. If a certain army is all over the internet as the best thing since sliced bread, know you are going to face it.
There you go, just a couple of things to help with your tournament planning that I have found helps me get organized and ready to roll some dice.