5 Reasons Why You Should Be Playing With The Balewind Vortex

By Rob Baer | November 17th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Tactics

sorcerer age of sigmar new model bits

If you run casters in your Age of Sigmar army, you definitely don’t want to overlook the new Balewind Vortex warscroll in your games now!

The new Balewind Vortex is a very potent Arcane Fulcrum from the world that once was. In Age of Sigmar this piece of scenery has the potential to let your “vulnerable” casters play a more pivotal role in games now.


Why it’s good:

  • Casters can not be charged while on the Vortex.
  • Their magic ranges are doubled when atop the Vortex, allowing them great tactical flexibility with dropping in summoned units (remember to pay your reinforcement points) past the 3″ movement gap of enemy models, or long bomb mortal wound shots to pick off powerful characters!
  • Summoning the Vortex does not count towards wizard’s casting restrictions for the turn.
  • Every Wizard knows the summon Vortex Spell, and can dismiss it for free as well. I don’t think there is a way for a model to get on top of the vortex that is not the casting wizard RAW.
  • It’s only 100 points. Now I realize that’s maybe not what folks wanted to see, but the fact that GW gave it a modest cost may mean that they are trying to balance the game from jump street.

Now that being said, you can still target casters on top of the vortex with shooting, so they are not beyond reproach. Just remember to pack some shooting into your armies now!

The Warscroll:

age of sigmar terrain

The points are also available if you have the Generals Handbook download in the Age of Sigmar App (iPhone) pictured. 


To see the full unboxing and rules review, and find out how to get your very own set scroll below:

Balewind Vortex: $15

age of sigmar terrain

A swirling, violently swaying vortex of fell energies that can be summoned by the most powerful wizards in the mortal realms and used as a platform from which to cast their spells, a Balewind Vortex is a terrifying sight to behold on the battlefield. When summoned, its howling gusts push any aggressors away from the wizard who called upon it, leaving him unmolested to blast away with the amplified magical abilities he gleans from the Vortex.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Balewind Vortex, a scenery piece for your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Rules can be found in the tab on the right.

Head over to Games Workshop to get your hands on this must have piece of terrain for nearly any Age of Sigmar army!