6 New AoS Characters Arrive! Silver Tower Minis – UNBOXING

By Zeb Barrett | November 5th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Product Review, Unboxing, Videos


Today we are unboxing and rules for the miniatures in the Age of Sigmar: Silver Tower boxset, now that they are sold separately!

As we all suspected, the models from the Silver Tower boxset would be released individually at some point and here they are!

silver tower minis

silver tower minis

First up we are going to take a look at the Doomseeker for the Fireslayers. So here you can see that the sprue is multi part but we are unsure if these parts can be used for conversions!

The rule set for the Doomseeker can be downloaded from the Game Workshop site. His stats seem to be ok but what really makes him good are his two abilities Runic Power and Goaded to Fury.

Runic Power allows him to add 1 to the damage from Runic War-iron attacks if the Doomseeker slays any models and Goaded to Fury adds 1 to hit rolls if he has suffered any wounds.

silver tower minis

silver tower minis

Next we will take a look at the Excelsior Warpriest for the Devoted of Sigmar. This guy appears to be more multi part than the Doomseeker since you can swap out the cape and the book. The Excelsior Warpriest seems to be a healer due to his Ability, Light of Sigmar, which allows for him to use his book of Sigmar’s teachings to heal himself or a friendly unit within 10 inches.


silver tower minis

silver tower minis


The Mistweaver of Saih looks incredible but the only parts that could be swapped out seems to be the arm and head. As far as rules go she isn’t too bad. Movement and wounds see pretty average and her combat stats are pretty average as well. The Mistweaver of Saih definitely doesn’t seem to be a beast in combat and could probably be taken out easily if targeted.


CORRECTION: Her save becomes 1+ (not +1) so she basically can save on a 2+. Way more usefully for sure. That can change a lot of things, and she may just become an auto include for some order lists.


silver tower minis

silver tower minis

Next up is the Darkoath Cheiftain for the Slaves of Darkness. He is a very iconic looking model and seems to have a bit of a Frazetta’s art style to him so this will probably be a very popular model. The rules for this guy is all in French for some reason. No matter what language was picked, they kept coming out in French so let’s see if we can figure some of it out. The Broadsword seems to be pretty good with 3 attacks, 3+ to hit, 3+ to wound, and -1 rend. This guy seems to be a blender due to his special rules and should definitely be taken in an army.

silver tower minis

silver tower minis

The Knight-Questor is yet another of the Sormcast Eternals. He looks pretty awesome with the cool sword and awesome shield. He could probably be added to any Stormcast Eternals army or taken as another hero if you choose to do so. His stats seem to be pretty average and his Sigmarite Shied allows for a re-roll of failed save rolls. The Heroic Challenge ability allows the Knight-Questor to pile in 6 inches instead of just three and he can also re-roll failed to him rolls if his target is a Hero. That goes great with his Sigmarite Shield and seems to provide some great stay-ability to this model.

silver tower minis

silver tower minis

The Tenebrael Shard is an incredible sculpt with an epic stance and seems to be a blender as long as you roll a 4+ in your hero phase. The Ability Shadowstrike allows you to rill a dice on your hero phase and on a roll of 4+ you can removed it from the battlefield and place it anywhere you want that is within 3 inches of an enemy mode. If you do, add +1 to all rolls to hit for the rest of the turn.


Checkout lots more about these new single release models and see how to get your very own below.


Fyreslayer Doomseeker: $25


It is said of the Doomseeker that his axe scorches the air with every swing, that he spits glowing embers with every war cry, and that the wrath of the forge burns in his glare. The ur-gold runes hammered into his very flesh glow with the power of his shattered god, and it is the thirst for more of this precious substance drives the Fyreslayer Doomseeker ever forward. This desire for ur-gold leads him, as all Fyreslayers, to fight on the side of those who offer the most gold – not a mere mercenary, his word is his bond.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble a Fyreslayer Doomseeker. Supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base.

Excelsior Warpriest: $25


A courageous, hammer-wielding mortal who has taken up arms to protect Sigmar’s faithful from Chaos, the Excelsior Warpriest’s selfless determination and fervour mean he has been gifted the power to summon forth divine light. With this holy radiance, he scours away the abominations of Chaos, even as he heals the wounds of his comrades. His noble, loyal Gryph-hound prowls at his side, ever ready to give its life for its master if the need should arise.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble 1 Excelsior Warpriest, with Gryph-hound. Supplied with 1 Citadel 32mm Round base and 1 Citadel 25mm Round base.

Mistweaver Saih: $25


Able to turn the minds of her enemies against them, the Mistweaver Saih is a sinister figure hailing from the Realm of Shadow. Very little else is known about her, and her emotions, motivations and allegiances are impossible to understand. The only other certainty is that she is an immensely powerful enchantress, disturbingly serene in the centre of her storms of illusory horror and violent bloodshed.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Mistweaver Saih. Supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base.

Darkoath Chieftain: $25


Amidst the all-encompassing horrors of the dominion of Chaos, only the strong and the ruthless survive. The Darkoath Chieftain is a notable survivor; his every deed is meant to win the favour of the Dark Gods. He has slain countless mighty rivals, bested many great beasts, and sworn innumerable oaths to those gods in order to receive their gifts.

This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble a Darkoath Chieftain. Supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base.

Knight-Questor: $25


Borne into war by shimmering bolts of divine lightning, the Stormcast Eternals are warriors of vengenace. Forged by the god-king Sigmar into living weapons against the power of Chaos, some of these soldiers of the heavens are notable even amongst their shining brethren for their heroic deeds – these champions become known as a Knight-Questor. Vowing to stand as a shield between the denizens of the mortal realms and the predatory horrors of Chaos, they undertake great quests in Sigmar’s name in order to find and retrieve powerful artefacts that might swing the tide of battle toward Order.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Knight-Questor, warrior of the Stormcast Eternals. Supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base.

Tenebrael Shard: $25


The threat of death hangs heavy around the Tenebrael Shard. Legends tell that he is a being of absolute fear, but beyond that no two tales truly agree upon his composition. Whatever the truth about this creature, it is doubtless that he is a killer of silent, superlative skill, closing upon the prey unseen and ending their lives with callous efficiency.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble a Tenebrael Shard. Supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base.

Head over to Games Workshop and pick up your favorite minis today!