Dark Elf: Har Ganeth, Dreadspear & Dreadlord COSPLAY!

Occasionally, fans will go above and beyond the tabletop hobby and bring some of the most iconic Warhammer units to life. Check out this Dark Elf cosplay!

Coming from one of our gracious supporters we’ve got three total, yes three cosplay outfits showing off the Dark Elves from Warhammer Total War and Warhammer Fantasy. Check out Patrick Gallaher on Instagram for an even closer look at his cosplay!

Har Ganeth, Dreadspear & Dreadlord Dark Elf Cosplay

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Patrick has been busy bringing these units to life over the past year and it looks like he’s not going to be stopping anytime soon.

Hey team, I’ve in the past year made 3 fantasy Dark Elf costumes, a Dread spear,  a Har Ganeth executioner, and a Dreadlord. All using references from Total War Warhammer 2 and the miniatures. 

Starting with the Har Ganeth cosplay, these Dark Elves are notorious for striking fear in the enemy at close-range. It’s safe to say that their mask really seals the deal.

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Taking a closer look at the iconic mask, it was completely hand made (sculpted, molded, and cast) by Patrick. Talk about flexing your hobby muscles!

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Switching up the helmet, breastplate, and weapon, he can rock the Dreadspear loadout too. These were the classic “rank and file” unit from back in the day. With enough in your list, these could be the reliable “muscle” of the force.

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With an update to the ensemble, the helmet was redone with some better angling. It’s definitely not as blocky and looks way more elegant. Can you believe that everything was all completely shaped and done by hand as well? In case you were wondering about the materials used for the costume, it’s all EVA foam. Just forty more of these guys in a formation and you’ve got a real force to be reckoned with.

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The Costume’s Latest Update

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Looking at his most recent photo progression, the armor has definitely gotten a lot more intricate. Between the new and improved helmet, a 3D printed sword, and thigh plates, it’s amazing how far something can come in just a year when you devote time and effort into something you love. Great job bringing the hobby to life with this incredible cosplay. Make sure to check out a closer look at everything on his Instagram!

Have you been working on a cosplay outfit for your favorite tabletop game? How far have you come? Let’s see the progress in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.