Age of Sigmar Summoner’s War Tactics: All the Rest

By Travis Perkins | September 3rd, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Tactics

nagash wal

Buckle up Nagash leads off our final AoS summoners article, as we wrap up all the minor summoning armies that exist right now for Age of Sigmar!

In this coverage, we’re talking about how the last of the Summoning Armies have some form of summoning but don’t have a dedicated point system like the rest of the summoning armies.

These are generally not full armies as there are only a few models that can summon within their faction, but they still deserve an honorable mention.

Age of Sigmar Summoner’s War Tactics: All the Rest

nagash hor wal

Legions of Nagash:

The Legions of Nagash armies (so not Nighthaunts) are all able to set up grave sites around the board that let them return destroyed summonable units to the battlefield. (One a turn) This lets you be a little careless with your faster units to tie up shooters or stronger units, and just return them the following turn.

Or if you lose a larger block of troop you can just re-summon them. Below is a list of all summonable troops within the Legions of Nagash.

  • Bat Swarms
  • Fell Bats
  • Zombies
  • Black Knights
  • Grave Guard
  • Skeleton Warriors
  • Hexwraiths
  • Spirit Hosts
  • Dire Wolves

You can mix or match these however you want and some are even considered battle line troops, but remember they need to be destroyed to bring them back. If I were playing I would rush some faster summonable troops forward with the idea that they do some damage to shooting units or tie up stronger models.

Then the following turn re-summon them while your slower troop catch up and dish out even more damage. If your grave guard, for example, are shot off the board instead even better, you can just re-summon those instead and keep up the pressure with your faster units.

Chaos Everchosen Archaon Wal Horz


This summoning army is very limited so much so that this is basically your entire army is 15 models.

  • Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch: 180 points (Leader 1 of 6)
  • Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch: 180 points (Leader 2 of 6)
  • Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch: 180 points (Leader 3 of 6)
  • Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch: 180 points (Leader 4 of 6)
  • Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch: 180 points (Leader 5 of 6)
  • Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch: 180 points (Leader 6 of 6)
  • 3 Vanguard: 280 points (Battleline 1 of 3)
  • 3 Vanguard: 280 points (Battleline 2 of 3)
  • 3 Vanguard: 280 points (Battleline 3 of 3)

But if you insist on it you will need a realm gate to be able to summon a unit of 10 of one of the following daemons: Pink Horrors, Bloodletters, Plaguebearers, or Daemonettes. This could be a fun army to play some special scenarios for, but I would hardly suggest that someone go out and buy 6 Gaunt Summoner’s of Tzeentch. I do like the realmgate as a scenery piece though and highly recommend them for some great terrain.

skaven 1


The Skaven have two things that can be used to summon troops, unfortunately, they are both in the Masterclan Allegiance which currently has n0 battleline troops. So, to play this you need to run a grand alliance Chaos.

  • Lord Skreech Verminkin: 300 points (Leader 1 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4)
  • Screaming Bell: 200 points (Leader 2 of 6, Behemoth 2 of 4)
  • Screaming Bell: 200 points (Leader 3 of 6, Behemoth 3 of 4)
  • Screaming Bell: 200 points (Leader 4 of 6, Behemoth 4 of 4)

This brings you at 900 points, starting with the Screaming Bells to get yourself a free Verminlord you need to roll a 12 on 2D6 or approximately 3% chance. With 3 of them rolling this a turn there is a chance you might get one a game, though it decreases as it can only happen once per game for each screaming bell. Still a free Verminlord is nothing to sneeze at. Lord Skreech has a unique spell that summons in Clanrats for every model his spell kills. Moving on to push the Screaming Bells we need battleline skaven troops and a ton of them.

  • 40 Clanrats: 200 points (Battleline 1 of 3)
  • 40 Clanrats: 200 points (Battleline 2 of 3)
  • 40 Clanrats: 200 points (Battleline 3 of 3)

This brings this army up to 1500 points and gives you a lot of flexibility with the remaining points. You have 500 and any army in the entire chaos faction (if they are not a Behemoth) that you can add.



The other order army (see Seraphon for the first one) that can summon in troops, this one uses Alarielle the Everqueen that can summon a variety of troops once per battle. The other is the Branchwraiths that have a casting value 7 spell that is successful will summon in 10 Dryads.

  • Alarielle the Everqueen: 600 points (Leader 1 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4)
  • Branchwraith: 80 points (Leader 2 of 6)

So Alarielle can freely summon in a Treelord, let me just leave that out there…. A Treelord! The Branchwraith can summon an annoying 10 Dryads to lock up objectives or tie up units. They come in at 680 points so that leaves you with plenty of room to build out the rest of your force. You can overwhelm your opponent with giant trees and take more Treelord heck make them Ancient Treelords! Just don’t go over your 4 Behemoth’s and don’t forget to get your battleline troops.

There you have it, that is all the summoning armies that I have come across. If you missed one of the larger summoning armies you can read all about them here!


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